Work From Home Chronicles

An occasional series dedicated to my observations on working from home.

We are working from home all this week thanks to the World Junior Championships downtown (hello $50 parking!).  It has benefits, but as you’ll see there are some drawbacks, too.

Day 1 – I take immense delight turning off the “early” alarm on my phone (the one that generously assumes I’m going to get up, shower, make breakfast and a lunch to take), and leave on the “Idiot, get up you’ll be late if you don’t” alarm.  I manage to get from the bed to my work area without incident and get set up.  Best thing about this process now:  my new slippers and lounge pants.  I even call them my work from home pants, it’s awesome.

Day 2 – Rough night last night as Thomas awoke with a nosebleed, first one he’s had since he got his nose cauterized.  Gave him a shower, cleaned things up and sent him back to bed.  Seemed like mere minutes passed before the alarm went off.  Managed to get downstairs, stumbling and scaring my wife in the process.  Still, considering that Mattie took forever to go to sleep and Thomas’s escapade, not bad.

Day 3? – Is it day or night?  It’s starting to run together…this must be when hygiene begins to suffer.  I am surrounded by my Sabres cups and empty soda bottles.  Wait, there’s Dora and Boots on in the other room, must be morning.  Speaking of, Swiper should be in a shallow grave.  I don’t know any independent-minded Latinas that would put up with his shit.  Anyway, I should get up early tomorrow and shower in the morning so it feels like a normal day.  Maybe that will help.





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