Tag: movies

  • Movie Review – Thor

    Movie Review – Thor

    I went and saw Thor at the IMAX 3D last night, solid, enjoyable movie.  I was never a fanboy of the Thor comic, mostly only reading it when it came in the big bulk packs that I bought, but I’m glad I went to see this movie.  This is normally where I’d explain who Thor…

  • Classic Rock Will Never Die

    Classic Rock Will Never Die

    …because we keep slipping the songs into our kids’ movies.  Whether it’s Elvis records via Lilo & Stitch, to Crazy Train, Welcome to the Jungle and Bad to the Bone in Megamind, to every other movie ending with a dance party of some type thanks to Shrek, these songs are everywhere.  That’s not even counting the comic book…

  • Movie Review: The Lincoln Lawyer

    We had a rare grown-up movie night this weekend, and the group wanted to see The Lincoln Lawyer.  Mickey Haller, played ably by Matthew McConaughey, is a criminal defense attorney who gets his clients mostly from the realm of drug dealers, bikers and the like.  Until, that is, his name is dropped by a rich…

  • Links From The Blogroll

    Hey, everybody.  Haven’t been around much to post here, mostly because I haven’t seen any movies or played any new video games to review. ;)  That should change this weekend.  What I would like to do is highlight some of the newer additions to my blogroll and give some examples as to why you should…

  • Spring and Summer 2011 Movies

    Spring and Summer 2011 Movies

    The meat of the 2011 movie season is coming up, including the Summer blockbusters, and I thought I’d run them down and see which ones I’m planning to check out.  Note that as a Dad, the list leans towards animated movies as well as comic book movies and summer blockbusters.  I don’t like horror and…

  • Movies With Repeated Theater Viewings

    Movies With Repeated Theater Viewings

    The title says it all – I thought I’d start a discussion about what movies you just HAD to see more than once in the theaters.  Where possible, I will be putting how many times I saw it and any other details I think of. Despicable Me – (2) – Once was at the drive-in…

  • Wired:  Best Sci-Fi Movie Effects

    Wired: Best Sci-Fi Movie Effects

    Wired has an article up about the Best Sci-Fi movie effects scenes of all time, which has some classics, from Godzilla to 2001: A Space Odyssey to Avatar.  To be sure, though, they missed some of my favorites: Iron Man – specifically the scene when Tony puts the upgraded suit on for the first time and…

  • Movie Review – TRON: Legacy

    Movie Review – TRON: Legacy

    I caught a 3D showing of TRON: Legacy this weekend, and I love it.  I might just be their ideal movie-goer.  I did see the original TRON at some point, far enough back that I watched it on one of these bad boys.  My Grandfather liked to buy wacky things at auctions, and came home with a…

  • Lightning Movie Review – Tangled

    Lightning Movie Review – Tangled

    We took the kids to see Tangled this weekend, and Mattie in particular LOVED IT.  As in, during the moving saying ‘Mommy I WUV DIS MOVIE!’, and having to come over and sit on my lap so she could tell me the same thing directly.  Okay, and get direct access to more popcorn.  I thought…

  • Lanterns, Hornets and Captains of America

    Some Twitter discussion sparked by back to back viewing of the Green Lantern and Green Hornet trailers has got me thinking about these movies.  Okay, and other comic book movies forthcoming too.  The question is:  why are fans the way we are? Think about what happens when the first stills and teasers and trailers appear. …

  • Lightning Movie Review – Megamind

    Saw this over the weekend with the kids – it was a solid kids movie, kept my 7 year old and 2.5 year old entertained while keeping a smile on my face throughout.  Didn’t generate huge laughs or anything, but I enjoyed it and would see it again.  Despicable Me wins out for me in…

  • Go Ahead And Thank Me

    I saw part of Cats and Dogs 3D, but I’m not going to subject you to any review of it.  I’d rather not think that much about it.  Chris O’Donnell had best hope NCIS:LA stays on the air or he’ll be stuck making these animal movies (probably with Brendan Fraser).  That’s a fate I wouldn’t…