Tag: movies

  • Movies to Introduce Your Kids to Science Fiction

    Movies to Introduce Your Kids to Science Fiction

    Giant Freakin Robot has a list of 15 movies (or movie series) to use to introduce your kids to the Science Fiction genre.  I agree with many of the movies here, though you may want to pre-screen some of them as it’s been pointed out that Ghostbusters has a bit of salty language and implied…

  • Movie Review – Rise of the Planet of the Apes

    I’ll admit, I was skeptical of another ‘Planet of the Apes’ movie.  They’d had a bunch of them, and only the first was really any good.  The recent remake was pretty forgettable, so much so that I had forgotten the end, despite having seen it at least twice on TV.  So why go see this? …

  • Reboots? Remakes? It’s all good

    I know most of us have made fun of, or lamented, the various forms of media and their obsession with making new forms of the same story over and over.  Whether it’s yet another adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, or DC Comics pushing the reset button on darn near their whole continuity, or a carefully…

  • Movie Review – Cowboys and Aliens

    Saw Cowboys and Aliens today, and it was just okay.  The early parts of the movie seemed to go in fits and starts, though the climactic scenes moved along well enough.  It’s an interesting mix of Sci-Fi and Western themes, and I do have to admit I had to rethink a few characters after seeing…

  • Movie Review – Captain America: The First Avenger

    Movie Review – Captain America: The First Avenger

    I went to see Captain America: The First Avenger this weekend, and I have to say, it was a TON of fun.  It comes close, to me, to the first Iron Man as far as quality of the movie.  It does lack some small bit of the emotional impact I felt with Iron Man, but…

  • Kung Fu Panda 2 – Sequels 101

    Kung Fu Panda 2 – Sequels 101

    I saw Kung Fu Panda 2 this weekend with the kids at the Movieland 8, and we enjoyed it immensely.  Even my 3 year old sat through most of it with rapt attention, except for the times when I let her little popcorn tray get empty. ;)  Kung Fu Panda 2 is an excellent example…

  • Movie Review:  Transformers: Dark of the Moon

    Movie Review: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

    Transformers: Dark of the Moon is not a bad movie.  I know that seems like faint praise, but considering the flack Michael Bay gets for the first two, I thought I’d put that right out there.  I enjoyed myself, and if you suspect that you might as well, go see it without guilt.  Wait for…

  • Movie Review – Green Lantern

    Movie Review – Green Lantern

    I went and saw Green Lantern last night with the guys, and I enjoyed it.  It was not a top-flight movie by any stretch, though.  I came into this with almost zero knowledge of the Green Lantern Corps, it’s lore, other members than Hal Jordan or John Stewart, and him only in passing, from an…

  • Rules and Guidelines for Watching Comic Book Movies

    Rules and Guidelines for Watching Comic Book Movies

    Some people just don’t ‘get’ comic book movies.  Critics, or more critical moviegoers at least, analyze the movies as if they are watching Citizen Kane, fretting over characterization and plumbing for deep meaning.  On the other hand, you have the comic book fanboys, who examine every teaser frame by frame, looking for inconsistencies in every…

  • Movieline’s 10 Best Celeb Voiceovers in Animated Films

    Movieline’s 10 Best Celeb Voiceovers in Animated Films

    I saw this linked from IMDB today, and had to see who they had picked.  I don’t disagree with most of the choices, though my memories of things like Lady and the Tramp are kind of vague.  That is, until, I read some of the comments and started thinking about the names mentioned there.  There are…

  • Lightning Movie Review – Rango

    Things are returning somewhat to normal around these parts, enough so that I took my family to see Rango at the Movieland 8.  I enjoyed it, and it’s interesting that we had a trailer for Kung Fu Panda 2 in front of it, as Rango feels much like Kung Fu Panda – a good representative…

  • More on Thor:  Come ON, Roger

    More on Thor: Come ON, Roger

    Roger Ebert is one of the few critics I play attention to.  I don’t always agree with him, but he thinks really hard on even the silliest movie he has the misfortune to see.  That is, most of the time.  He didn’t review Thor officially, but mentioned in his ‘Journal’ today.  I can understand him…