Tag: marvel

  • Classic Comics – X-Men: Days of Future Past

    Classic Comics – X-Men: Days of Future Past

    I’ve been on a comics kick of late, as well as a nostalgia high from Comics Alliance’s X-Men animated series recaps, so checking out some classic X-Men storylines seemed like a no-brainer.  Especially when I saw Comixology having a sale on several collections.  I bought the X-Men: Days of Future Past book as prepwork for…

  • Game Review – LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

    Game Review – LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

    I played a demo of the very first LEGO game, LEGO Star Wars, it seems like forever ago.  Since 2005, Traveller’s Tales has created similar games in numerous licensed worlds (DC comics, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter among them), but the latest game, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, is definitely the pinnacle of the series.  Though…

  • Why you should be reading Hawkeye

    Why you should be reading Hawkeye

    I went a long time without reading an actual comic book.  I gave up on them when they started to get too expensive.  They cost a buck when I did most of my collecting, and individual issues routinely go for $3-4 now.  But I really wanted to get into them again thanks to the pure…

  • Movie Review – Iron Man 3

    Movie Review – Iron Man 3

    A few notes:  I’m a huge Iron Man fanboy, and I’ll try to keep spoilers out of the first paragraph.  Beyond that, you’ve been warned. My son and I went to see Iron Man 3 last night, and had a lot of fun.  I think, at this point, they are never recapturing the magic of…

  • Where Comic Books Make Us Uncomfortable

    Where Comic Books Make Us Uncomfortable

    By now, you may have heard of DC’s mass reboot of most of their comic books, and some of the expected backlash.  A new spin, though, is the shall we say gratuitous sexyfication of females that occurred along with it.  You can read this response to what’s happened to Starfire from a 7 year-old comic…

  • Movie Review – Captain America: The First Avenger

    Movie Review – Captain America: The First Avenger

    I went to see Captain America: The First Avenger this weekend, and I have to say, it was a TON of fun.  It comes close, to me, to the first Iron Man as far as quality of the movie.  It does lack some small bit of the emotional impact I felt with Iron Man, but…

  • More on Thor:  Come ON, Roger

    More on Thor: Come ON, Roger

    Roger Ebert is one of the few critics I play attention to.  I don’t always agree with him, but he thinks really hard on even the silliest movie he has the misfortune to see.  That is, most of the time.  He didn’t review Thor officially, but mentioned in his ‘Journal’ today.  I can understand him…

  • Movie Review – Thor

    Movie Review – Thor

    I went and saw Thor at the IMAX 3D last night, solid, enjoyable movie.  I was never a fanboy of the Thor comic, mostly only reading it when it came in the big bulk packs that I bought, but I’m glad I went to see this movie.  This is normally where I’d explain who Thor…

  • Iron Man

    Uh, wow! AWESOME MOVIE!!! Great dialogue, great actors, characters that react the way real people would, super-great comic action! I can’t wait to see it again, and then again. And then once more. CHEESEBURGER FIRST!