Angry Birds Archives - Honk if you love justice!

Tag: Angry Birds

  • Review: Sprint LG Optimus S

    Review: Sprint LG Optimus S

    The time came this month, where I could get a new phone.  I wasn’t really planning on it, considering I loved my Hero and there’s no 4G here yet via Sprint.  However, I kept hearing AWESOME things about the LG Optimus S, and when it went on sale basically for free this past weekend, I…

  • Sprint Hero on Android 2.1 – One Year Later

    In case it’s useful to you, I thought I’d go over how the Hero I bought just about a year ago has held up.  I know it hasn’t been on 2.1 for that whole time, but I upgraded a few weeks early with a custom rom (on stock now), so close enough. Overall, I’m extremely…