Book Review – The City Stained Red (Bring Down Heaven #1) by Sam Sykes
I became aware of Sam Sykes mostly via Twitter, and his interactions with Myke Cole, Daniel Abraham and other authors I followed. Â He was funny, and when the first book in his new series was discounted, I took a shot. Â The City Stained Red, book one of the “Bring Down Heaven” series, follows an adventuring…
Comic Book Review – The Vision #5
There was a discussion on Twitter the other day by some comic creators, about how the phrase that got them to ignore a review the quickest was “nothing happened”. Â I would not be surprised if some of those comments were made about this issue of The Vision…but they’d be completely wrong. Now, there’s little action,…
Comic Book Review – Black Widow #1 (2016)
The best description I’ve seen for this new Black Widow comic is it’s the cold open to a new James Bond movie, but starring our favorite super-spy. Â It’s pure action. Â Seriously all we learn is, Widow steals *something* from SHIELD and busts out of a helicarrier. Â That’s all we know, but it’s A-OK because that…
Agent Carter – A Missed Opportunity
note: spoilers abound for Agent Carter season 2 Agent Carter’s second season just ended, and I’m sad. Â There was a lot of fun to be had – Howard’s always good for a laugh, Jarvis is perfect, and their take on Whitney Frost as a villainous Hedy Lamarr was interesting. Â One thing that didn’t help was…
Comic Book Review – Power Man and Iron Fist #1
And now for something completely different!  Although Power Man and Iron Fist does feature another character we first spotted the live-action MCU version of in Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, teaming back up with his old partner Iron Fist.  But don’t tell Luke that, it’s just a favor for a friend, and how well does that usually work…
Comic Book Review – Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat #1
So I grabbed Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat because I enjoy reading Kate Leth’s commentary on comics and her perspective, and I have to admit it’s more fun than I thought.  Plus, I got a solid sampling of Brittney L. Williams’s art, which works for me (she’ll be doing a Legend of Korra comic in the future).…
Movie Review – Kung Fu Panda 3
I previously held up Kung Fu Panda 2Â as an example of how a sequel should be done. Â I don’t think Kung Fu Panda 3 reaches those same heights but it’s still a fun ride. Kung Fu Panda 3Â picks up not long after 2 – Po is living his ideal life as the Dragon Warrior. Â He…
Mobile Game Review – Marvel’s Avengers Academy
Marvel’s latest mobile game is Avengers Academy, which is one of those thing where they reimagine existing characters (hero and villain) as teenagers. Â It works well here, as it seems like there’s some time travel-type shenanigans hinted at as far as the story goes. Â It’s by TinyCo, and if you’ve played one of their other…
Things I Want from the New Bryan Fuller Star Trek Series
The news dropped today that Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies, Hannibal) will be the showrunner for the new Star Trek series set to premiere on CBS next year, before moving to the CBS All Access paid subscription. Â My enthusiasm for the new show had been stifled by the mostly mediocre movies and the fact that I’d…
Should I Read It? Secret Wars (1984)
I know what you are thinking – didn’t we just leave this party? Â And the answer to that is…complicated. Â I am talking about the original Secret Wars from 1984-1985 today, one of the very first big crossover events at the big publishers. Â It debuted 32 years ago, though you can’t tell from the May date…
Comic Book Review – The Vision #4
The fourth issue of The Vision is one of contrasts, something Tom King and the team have mastered so far. Â We see the ideal for what Vision was hoping for when all this started. Â The kids playing football in the yard (with humorous synthezoid banter reminiscent of Charlie Brown and Lucy), his wife in the…
Should I Read It? – Marvel’s Civil War
This is the first in a recurring series where I look at an older set of comics (either an event or a series) and decide whether it’s worth tracking down. Mentioning the Civil War comics among comics fans is sure to elicit a strong response – usually negative. Having heard of that for years, when…