Marvel’s Biggest Missed Opportunity
It’s kind of shocking how quickly the tables have turned on the big two in the comics industry. Â Just a few years ago, while DC was languishing under the “New 52”, Marvel was having a creative boom. Â Whether it was Matt Fraction and David Aja bringing a fresh take to Hawkeye, their first headlining Muslim…
Book Review – Red Sister by Mark Lawrence
Red Sister is the start of the latest series by Mark Lawrence, who I was previously aware of but hadn’t yet read. Â When I saw this was book one of a series and available on Netgalley, I went for it. Â What I found was a bloody story of revenge, bathed in the mysticism of a…
Legend of Korra, Five Years Later
Five years ago, The Legend of Korra first aired on Nickelodeon in the US, as a sequel series to the much-beloved Avatar: The Last Airbender. Â While not the critical smash that A:TLA was, for me Korra stands up well as an amazing piece of storytelling, with gorgeous visuals to boot. In case you’re not familiar…
TV Review – Iron Fist
I finished Marvel’s latest Netflix series, Iron Fist over the weekend, and I have a lot of mixed feelings. Â I became a fan of Danny Rand fairly late, having read the Brubaker/Fraction/Swierczynski/Foreman Immortal Iron Fist series after loving Fraction/Aja’s Hawkeye and Brubaker’s Cap run. Â That series pushed a lot of my buttons, since I loved…
Batman: The Animated Series – Robin’s Reckoning
Batman: The Animated Series was an amazing show, and there are a bunch of episodes that frequently adorn “Top x B:TAS Episodes” lists. Â Robin’s Reckoning (in two parts) often rates highly on those lists, and on the 24th anniversary of the primetime premier of part 1, I’d like to take a deeper look. Viewing the…
TV Review – Voltron: Legendary Defender Season Two
If there was one thing that drove people nuts (in a good way) with season one of Voltron: Legendary Defender, it was the HUGE cliffhanger ending.  Surprise allies!  The lions scattered!  Everything is happening!  Thankfully, a second season just recently dropped that wastes no time in cleaning up the dangling threads. Season two, without spoiling too…
Comic Book Reviews – Goldie Vance Volume 1, The Backstagers Volume 1
BOOM! Studios recently joined NetGalley, giving reviewers access to a selection of their comics and graphic novels, and I immediately requested the first volumes of Goldie Vance and The Backstagers. Â Goldie Vance because of the art – Brittney Williams, who you may know from her work on Patsy Walker, a. k. a. Hellcat!, is the…
Book Review – Fallout (Lois Lane) by Gwenda Bond
Now that Amazon has a selection of books available to read for free for Prime members, I’ve been going through the categories that interest me to find new material.  Obviously, a book about Lois Lane would do that.  In this case, Fallout is about a teenage Lois in high school, though her nosy reporter skills are…
Book Review – The Palace Job by Patrick Weekes
The Palace Job by Patrick Weekes (writer for Bioware on both the Dragon Age and Mass Effect franchises) is a somewhat shallow but action-packed novel set in a magical fantasy world. Â Loch and Kail are former Scouts for the Republic who are planning to steal a priceless Elven manuscript back from the man who framed…
Book Review – The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
I got my latest read, The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet as a gift, and had a great time reading it. Â The first novel from Becky Chambers, it follows a young woman named Rosemary as she joins the crew of a tunneling ship (basically they make shortcuts through space) as they get a…
Book Review – Martians Abroad by Carrie Vaughn
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Carrie Vaughn from friends who read her Kitty Norville series, so when NetGalley had a copy of her new book, Martians Abroad, available to read, I jumped at it. Â I’m glad I did, though the book is not without it’s faults. The story takes place in a…