• How The Inhumans Should’ve Started

    How The Inhumans Should’ve Started

    The first three episodes of The Inhumans have aired (the fourth is tonight), and they are…not great.  I’m no pessimist, and I’ll probably keep watching, but I have a LOT of thoughts on what went wrong, and how it could’ve been fixed. Why Inhumans couldn’t be a movie I actually agree with Marvel that The…

  • Pilot Season – The Gifted

    Pilot Season – The Gifted

    The Gifted is a new X-Men-adjacent show on Fox, which I will explain momentarily, and it’s pretty awesome.  It’s almost too bad for Marvel that The Inhumans release around the same time, because it’s not even a contest as to which is better. “Adjacent” The first question with most comic book adaptations nowadays is what…

  • Pilot Season – The Inhumans

    Pilot Season – The Inhumans

    I’ve watched the two episodes of Marvel’s new show, The Inhumans, and I’m reminded very strongly of season one of Agents of SHIELD.  With a little of the lackluster parts of Iron Fist thrown in for good measure.  It’s not great, but there is the tiniest of hope in me still that it can get…

  • Movie Review – Death Note (Netflix)

    Movie Review – Death Note (Netflix)

    Oof, where to begin?  I come to Netflix’s adaptation of the Death Note manga not from any sort of fandom.  It’s one I was dimly aware of, but haven’t read or watched any of the anime.  I was interested mostly because of the “Willem Dafoe voicing a death god” angle.  Having watched it now, I…

  • TV Review – Amazon’s The Tick Season One

    TV Review – Amazon’s The Tick Season One

    I mentioned this when I talked about the pilot episode, that it amazes me that The Tick keeps getting chances.  The latest show, on Amazon, is the third time the hero has appeared on our screens.  Not bad for a hero that was created a mascot for a comic book shop.  The comics that came…

  • TV Review – The Defenders

    TV Review – The Defenders

    With only 8 episodes, I was able to make it through The Defenders over the weekend, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.  It’s not perfect, and does run into some of the same problems as the previous Netflix shows.  Despite that, there are plenty of really enjoyable bits. The basics behind The Defenders The…

  • Movie Review – Spider-Man: Homecoming

    Movie Review – Spider-Man: Homecoming

    I really loved Spider-Man: Homecoming, though I can see why there were a few people who didn’t.  It’s not what you expect from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not exactly.  Sure, it’s a superhero story, there’s Iron Man flying around, supervillains with crazy weapons, the usual.  But it is counter-balanced by teen drama (and comedy) which…

  • Movie Review – Wonder Woman

    Movie Review – Wonder Woman

    We saw an early screening, and I’m happy to report director Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman is everything DC should be doing in all of their movies.  It’s epic in scope, as befitting one of DC’s trinity of heroes.  It’s does something interesting with Diana’s origin, managing to homage both her classic origin and the more recent…

  • How to Fix Iron Fist in Season Two

    How to Fix Iron Fist in Season Two

    Note: potential spoilers if you’re not caught up on the Marvel Netflix shows. I talked about Iron Fist‘s first season already, but I’d like to look ahead to the future of the character beyond his next appearance in the Defenders.  Barring something crazy in the upcoming Defenders season, we currently have Danny as the Iron…

  • Comic Book Review – Black Bolt #1 by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward

    Comic Book Review – Black Bolt #1 by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward

    Creative Team: Writer: Saladin Ahmed Artist: Christian Ward Letterer: Clayton Cowles The Inhumans are in a tough spot, as far as the fandom goes.  They’ve been around a long time, created by Lee and Kirby no less.  But they’ve always been a bit of a niche group, mostly centered around the Fantastic Four.  It doesn’t…

  • Marvel Joins Amazon Prime Reading

    Marvel Joins Amazon Prime Reading

    Just a head’s up for anybody who likes to get their money’s worth out of their Amazon Prime subscription, Marvel is now partnered with Amazon to have their comics show up there (as well as some selections in Kindle Unlimited and Comixology Unlimited).  Those are cool if you already pay the extra subscription fee for either…

  • Marvel’s Biggest Missed Opportunity

    Marvel’s Biggest Missed Opportunity

    It’s kind of shocking how quickly the tables have turned on the big two in the comics industry.  Just a few years ago, while DC was languishing under the “New 52”, Marvel was having a creative boom.  Whether it was Matt Fraction and David Aja bringing a fresh take to Hawkeye, their first headlining Muslim…