• PriceDrop – Firefox Extension

    Here’s more fun found at Lifehacker: PriceDrop. It lets you track items on Amazon for price drops, and the advantage is all the details are stored locally, not on an external website. Very useful to keep an eye on items for price guarantees. There’s a somewhat similar web-based app called PriceProtectr that works for a…

  • Best When Used By

    If you are the sort of person who wants to make maximum use out of the food you buy, but always end up throwing your perishables away because of spoilage, check out Best When Used By. Plug in the food you buy, the expiry date, and it will keep you up to date on how…

  • Bionic Commando!?!

    I MUST HAVE! Bionic Commando on the NES was the first game I ever bought and paid for with my own money, as well as the first one my friends and I finished in it’s entirety. The bionic arm made the gameplay very unique for the time. For the Xbox360 so far, I’d LOVE to…

  • Automated defense weapon kills 9

    Holy crap. An automated anti-aircraft gun went berserk in South Africa, and by the time it fired off it’s full complement of high-explosive rounds, 9 soldiers were dead. The gun, a Swiss/German Oerlikon 35mm MK5 twin cannon started firing wildly during a shooting exercise. They are not yet sure what caused it to happen.

  • The Orange Box: HL2++

    HL: The Orange Box, coolest game bundle ever? It just might be, if the buzz is to be believed. I know the folks in my circle who have already played it are sold, especially with Portal. TF2 looks like a blast as well. I need this.

  • Updates all around

    WordPress, phpBB and Gallery were all updated to the latest versions, as well as the integration plugins. Let me know if any problems are encountered!

  • Where's a Pirate when you need 'em??

    Female ninjas robbing gas stations. I guess real ultimate power requires less than $50 and some Slim Jims.

  • Decide the Fate of 756

    Vote for great justice. Mark Ecko is apparently the buyer of Barry Bonds 756th home run ball. He has given we, the people, three choices for the ball’s ultimate fate: give it to Cooperstown as-is, brand it with an asterisk and THEN give it to the Hall, or shoot it into space. I’m voting brand…

  • Russia Builds 'Most Powerful' Non-Nuclear Bomb; Claims it Doesn't Hurt Environment

    The Russians claim it is equivalent to 44 tons of TNT, with a 990 foot blast radius. My favorite part of the article: “The tests have shown that the new air-delivered ordnance is comparable to a nuclear weapon in its efficiency and capability,” said Col.-Gen. Alexander Rukshin, a deputy chief of the Russian military’s General…

  • Never mind…Ankiel the Cheater

    Ankiel got a full one year course of Human Growth Hormone, stopping it’s use just before it was banned by baseball. Way to take a ‘feel good’ story and turn it into yet another black eye for baseball. Ugh.

  • Rick Ankiel

    With all the negative/controversial stories in pro sports, I’d like to highlight one of the coolest of the current baseball season, the triumphant return of Rick Ankiel. He originally broke into the majors in 1999 and pitched a full season for the St. Louis Cardinals in 2000, going 11-7. He was a Rookie of the…

  • Images of Airliner Struck by Lightning

    The Giz is bringing it today, following up the Jet-Powered Luge with images of a plane being struck by lightning on takeoff. Unreal. I would hate to be watching a plane take off and see that, even if I know logically that it’s safe.