• Free MS Software…Cost: Your Soul

    It all stems from Microsoft’s Windows Feedback Program. To be honest, I am in for this as I wanted a legal copy of Vista. All MS will find out from the PC they track is that my wife loves Diablo II.

  • Final Fantasy Turns 20

    One of my favorite game series, Final Fantasy, just turned 20. 1up has several features on it this week, but I’m pressed for time so hit up this /. article for all the links.

  • Sprint Steps Up (after a bit of coercion)

    Today, the payment is not only returned to us, but sent straight back into the bank account! Which the phone monkeys had claimed was not possible for them to do. GG Sprint for taking your medicine and keeping a customer, I didn’t want to have to cancel with them as their service in this area…

  • Lifehacker: Open Clamshell Packaging With Your Can Opener

    It’s that time of year again, the one where you will be screaming in frustration and pain as you struggle to get into that new mp3 player or flash memory for your camera, thanks to those horrible plastic clamshell packages. A Lifehacker reader decided to try out his manual can opener on it, and claims…

  • Child's Play

    Gamers unite! It’s time to donate to Child’s Play, the charity started by the creators of the popular webcomic Penny Arcade. What exactly IS Child’s Play? Here are Gabe and Tycho in their own words: Child’s Play works the same as last year. With the help of hospital staff, we’ve set up gift wish lists…

  • TASED and Confused

    According to the Danger Room, TASER (everyone’s favorite make of less-than-lethal weaponry) is developing a “mini-flying saucer like drone which could also fire Taser stun rounds on criminal suspects or rioting crowds”. Insert whatever ‘welcoming robot overlords’ comment you deem appropriate. All I know is I want one to zoom out over the plaza here…

  • They Couldn't Pick A Better Instrument?

    Ken Shuttleworth has unveiled a design for a ten-story office building…which resembles an accordian. There will be a roof garden with a sundial, and the gnomon (new word for the day!) is provided by the 1677 monument by Sir Christopher Wren. New York City is responding with a really bitchin’ guitar shaped building.

  • Forget Couches…

    …go for a ball pit. That’s what Randall Munroe of xkcd did. I wonder if I can convince my son this is what he wants instead of a fire truck motif for his room. ;)

  • PopSci's Best of What's New

    The very cool Nanosolar Powersheet tops the list of Popular Science’s Best of What’s New. There’s a few obvious choices (iPhone) but other wise some amazing tech. The company produces its PowerSheet solar cells with printing-press-style machines that set down a layer of solar-absorbing nano-ink onto metal sheets as thin as aluminum foil, so the…

  • Colossus, Reborn

    The BBC has a story about the rebuilding of the Colossus…not the big stone guy, but the code-cracking computer that was h4x0ring the Germans during WWII. Tony Sale led a 14-year project to rebuild the device in an effort to preserve this bit of computing history. Colossus is widely recognised as being one of the…

  • As If Marching Bands Weren't Geeky Enough

    The Cal Marching Band recently performed an opus to video games as their halftime show. Gizmodo has the video here. Complete with a Pokemon fight between the mascots.

  • VectorMagic

    I was surfing Lifehacker again, and found the link to VectorMagic, and online tool for taking your bitmap images and vectorizing them. It works very well, taking in .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png and .tiff and giving back .eps, .svg or .png. I’m having a ball uploading various pictures and things and seeing what the output…