The Cougar Ace
I may be late to the party here, but you MUST read the amazingly cool story of Titan Salvage from Wired. The story is about the Cougar Ace, bound for the US with nearly 5000 Mazdas on board (at a value of more than $100 million) started listing to port while attempting to purge the…
Ball Pit Upgrade!
Randall Munroe (of xkcd infamy) and his friends have chipped in and quintupled the volume of his ball pit (previously mentioned). The blog entry comes complete with an environmentalist complaining about the ‘wastefulness’ of all the plastic. Awesome!
Wooden Robot FTW
Okay…let’s combine this: with those powered suits the Japanese are all about…and make a combat game show out of it. Rock ’em sock ’em robots! Spotted at Gizmodo.
I'm sorry, but this one made me laugh…
Bread…ur doing it wrong
xkcd – Duty Calls
As usual, xkcd is right on the money.
NBA Jumps on the Outdoor Game Bandwagon
The Phoenix Suns and Denver Nuggets are going to play a preseason game outside next year, at a tennis venue in Indian Wells, CA. The only other time the Association has played outside was back in 1972, with two games in Puerto Rico. The October 11th game will be shown on TNT, and tickets for…
DO WANT: Belt-fed Nerf Cannon
Losing your latest cubicle war? Maybe you need to upgrade your firepower. Gizmodo spotted the Nerf Vulcan EBF-25 at Toy Fair 2008. For $40, you get the cannon on a tripod, 25 ‘sonic’ darts (that whistle when fired), and the warm feeling in your pants when your coworkers duck for cover from your dart salvos.
Rough Couple of Days…
Details are on this forum post, but the gist is, wife and unborn baby OK, my Jeep, not so much. Also, insurance companies SUCK.
Tiny LEGO Awesomeness
Tim Goddard is a LEGO ninja. He’s built tiny LEGO models of all sorts of Star Wars vehicles and sets which look seriously sweet. The way he’s able to take the smallest LEGO bits and make them recognizable as X-Wings or TIE Fighters is super-cool.
Make OpenOffice Work Better with Word
I’ve used OpenOffice on occasion, and am quite happy with the features it has as far as word processing go. However, conversions back and forth to Word can be spotty. Cnet has an article about how to make OpenOffice play nice with Word docs. Won’t make it perfect, but some of the changes will definitely…
Batch Rename Digital Photos by Date
Lifehacker posted a note about Namexif, a quick and dirty tool to rename your digicam photos based on EXIF date info. It’s a feature that you can get via other means (Irfanview and Picasa have ways to do it) buf if you don’t use either of those, you can try this. The comments on that…