• Live Search Cashback

    I read about this at Lifehacker earlier today. The next time you are looking for products online, take a spin over to MS’s Live Search Cashback page and give it a try. It’s a product search similar to Froogle or CNET’s Shopper, with a clean interface. The difference being that all of the particpating merchants…

  • LEGO Fireboat

    My son’s birthday party was this weekend, and he got a supercool LEGO toy from my parents: It’s a Fireboat that you can actually put in water, complete with a motor! It’s a far cry from the LEGO toys of my youth. He was very good putting it together, too, and he’s so proud of…

  • Wall-Climbing Robot

    Check this out: Researchers at SRI International have come up with a wall-climbing robot – one that uses electro-adhesion to attach to the wall. There is a video at the Popular Mechanics link, which shows a tracked ‘vehicle’ climbing up a normal household wall. Pretty neat technology. Spotted at Gizmodo.

  • Firefox 3 – Fastest Web Browser?

    That’s what Lifehacker asserts, especially in JavaScript performance. Gmail is improved as well. Click the link for full details. I’m running Firefox 3 RC1 right now, and this post in and of itself is part of my testing. So far, so good.

  • For the Good of the World: Cadbury VS Boll

    In a fit of awesomeness, Cadbury Adams’ Stride brand gum has thrown it’s support behind the Stop Uwe Boll effort. Movie City indie has the details. On April 4, 2008, Uwe Boll remarked to legendary horror site FearNet that he’d consider acquiescing to his critics and abandoning making films in this genre if an online…

  • Apple iPhone Purchase Requires a Credit Card

    My father-in-law was in the Galleria Mall the other day, and heard that someone there was rather upset in the Apple Store. Seems the store was not willing to accept the customers fat wad of cash to purchase an iPhone. I thought, no way is that true, what store would forego the real US American…

  • Bad Officiating – Not Just for the NHL!

    I got to watch Team USA take on Finland at the World Championships in Halifax, NS, but I kind of wish I didn’t. Team USA was holding on to a 2-0 lead on the back of Robert Esche, despite getting outshot by the Finns. Ville Koistinen shot the puck at the net on a feed…

  • 10 Terrible TV Shows

    The blog mental_floss has a neat top 10 list: 10 T.V. Shows Canceled After One Episode. It really goes to show just how bad a show has to be to get cancelled after a single episode. One, Australia’s Naughtiest Home Videos, was cancelled mid-episode. That site is very cool, by the way, if you like…

  • Iron Man

    Uh, wow! AWESOME MOVIE!!! Great dialogue, great actors, characters that react the way real people would, super-great comic action! I can’t wait to see it again, and then again. And then once more. CHEESEBURGER FIRST!

  • Speaking of Bacon…

    I just came across this link, and I have to share it. I know there are a bunch of bacon fans in my circle of blog/web friends who will appreciate this.

  • xkcd – Stove Ownership

    I had this realization when I first moved out as well. Though it was for nachos, not bacon.

  • Old Game Tuesday – Stars!

    As I roll through these old games, you are going to notice that 4X games are well-represented. One of my personal favorites is Stars!, released wa-a-ay back in 1995. Jeff Johnson and Jeff McBride created the game for their own enjoyment, and decided to release it as Shareware. People still did that back then, you…