• Very Important Question!

    [poll id=”13″] I’ve been thinking about this, as my son slowly but surely gets exposed to Star Wars thanks to kids at school (and the very fun Lego Star Wars game we have). While I’m probably not showing him these any time soon, this is the sort of thing a geeky dad think about. So…

  • Over The Falls: BAD IDEA

    Even if you survive (and that’s no guarantee yet from what I understand, as this guy did suffer some head trauma), there’s a good reason going over Niagara Falls is a bad idea: The man had clothes on when he entered the water, but was naked when he was rescued. Rescuers believe the force of…

  • No Seriously, Thanks a LOT

    I laughed at that a lot more than I should have, I think. Unfortunately, viewing that led to this showing up in the related vids. (mind scrubbing may be needed afterwards, beware)

  • Pittsburgh Museum Fun

    I wanted to get the pictures up (especially for cute kid pictures), so I’m tossing these up with little commentary. Thomas and his cousins visited the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History (also in Pittsburgh) this weekend. We pretty much have to go to the ‘chil-seum’ every time, and added…

  • Miserable

    And I don’t just mean the last Sabres game. Pretty much the whole family had the flu, so it’s been tough sledding the past few days. Thomas, Mattie and I are all feeling somewhat better, but Mommy is still down for the count. Hopefully we’re all back and ready for Sunday, as I work before…

  • xkcd – TED Talk

    Honestly, I have the same question. Is there a style guide entry for this? :) (To those of you finding this through Google: click the picture, the link will take you to Randall’s site. Read his archives!) the full saw 3d movie

  • Theme Change

    As you can tell by now, I’ve switched over to a new theme. It’s more compliant with the newer version of WordPress, as well as very flexible and customizable. I’m probably not done tweaking/messing around, so if there are suggestions or concerns, let me know (either in the comments here or via the contact form…

  • Lego Battlestar Galactica Madness

    This is just a fraction of the 35 Vipers and other BSG-themed Lego creations shown off at ‘BrickCon‘ last year. Gizmodo has an in-depth gallery in their post on the matter, and now I want one of these. I wonder if any of these guys has a parts list or build out there…

  • Beware The Other Head Of Science, Arthur, It Bites!

    Okay, so, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore ‘National Ignition Facility’ will be attempting to create a ‘tiny man-made star’ inside their laboratory. This concerns me on multiple levels. First, that is an awesome name for a place of employment. They have that going for them, at least. However, take a look at the first picture…

  • Show 'Em The Horn, Arthur

    Something a little different for you, after all the Bills/Sabres suckitude.

  • Woot-Off Fatigue

    (500) days of summer download full film As most of you probably know, there’s a Woot-Off ongoing. Must…stay…awake…need gadgets… *snore*

  • He Said The Raccoon Challenged Him

    For a change of pace, some bits from the Amherst Bee Police Blotter: A bouncer was sent to St. Joseph€™s Hospital after a fight at a George Urban Boulevard nightclub. A cell phone was found after the incident, and when the officer answered it after it rang, he was able to get the name and…