• Raising a Reader

    Michael Forbes, whom I follow on Twitter for hockey stuff, linked an article in the New York Times, “Boys and Reading: Is There Any Hope?” by Robert Lipsyte.  The issues brought up in the essay are boiled down to this passage: If we’re to counter this tendency and encourage reading among boys who may collectively…

  • Friday Finds – Psychic Benefits and the Silmarillion

    Friday Finds – Psychic Benefits and the Silmarillion

    Hey all, hope you had a good week.  I’ll be out of the loop a bit this weekend, though I might actually be able to do my fantasy football draft (wooo!).  Here are last week’s posts: Old Game Tuesday – Star Trek: Birth of the Federation – BOTF is a solid 4X game, considering the…

  • George Lucas is Murdering Star Wars

    I have to get this out.  I gave Lucas the benefit of the doubt when the new trilogy came out.  I went and saw the first two in the theaters, thinking “they can’t be as bad as people say”.  They were, pretty much, especially Phantom Menace.  I shrugged when he added a CGI Jabba scene…

  • Old Game Tuesday – Star Trek:  Birth of the Federation

    Old Game Tuesday – Star Trek: Birth of the Federation

    Star Trek:  Birth of the Federation (BOTF from here on out) is a turn-based 4X game based in the Star Trek:  The Next Generation universe.  A 4X game, if you are wondering, is a game where the goal is to explore, expand, exploit and exterminate.  You scout and explore territory, where it’s space (as in…

  • Friday Finds – Alligator Biodiesel and a Supernova

    Friday Finds – Alligator Biodiesel and a Supernova

    Missed a week due to unforseen circumstances, but here are the most recent posts: Movie Review -  Rise of the Planet of the Apes – Long title, good movie. Old Game Tuesday – Star Trek: 25th Anniversary – Star Trek’s best game? Second Class Citizen – They don’t care about us folks that still watch…

  • Movies to Introduce Your Kids to Science Fiction

    Movies to Introduce Your Kids to Science Fiction

    Giant Freakin Robot has a list of 15 movies (or movie series) to use to introduce your kids to the Science Fiction genre.  I agree with many of the movies here, though you may want to pre-screen some of them as it’s been pointed out that Ghostbusters has a bit of salty language and implied…

  • Second Class Citizen

    I went home last night, and while I was putting Eva to sleep for the night, I turned on Fox so I could watch Eagles/Steelers.  HOWEVER, as my old CRT television hummed to life, I was presented with an annoyance.  I could only see how many points the Steelers had.  Of course, for most of…

  • Old Game Tuesday – Star Trek: 25th Anniversary

    First, a note:  this is the PC game, not the console game of the same name.  Now, as a young science fiction fan growing up, there weren’t that many options out there.  So you were pretty much watching Star Trek, even if you were more of a Star Wars fan.  I believe young me begged…

  • Movie Review – Rise of the Planet of the Apes

    I’ll admit, I was skeptical of another ‘Planet of the Apes’ movie.  They’d had a bunch of them, and only the first was really any good.  The recent remake was pretty forgettable, so much so that I had forgotten the end, despite having seen it at least twice on TV.  So why go see this? …

  • Friday Finds – Nancy Wake and Meteor Showers

    Posts of the week: Old Game Tuesday – Star Wars:  Rebellion – Take the Rebellion from Yavin to victory!  And then try desperately to find the damn Emperor to trigger the win conditions. Reboots?  Remakes?  It’s all good – There are no original ideas any more, but a skilled writer/filmmaker can make you think there…

  • Reboots? Remakes? It’s all good

    I know most of us have made fun of, or lamented, the various forms of media and their obsession with making new forms of the same story over and over.  Whether it’s yet another adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, or DC Comics pushing the reset button on darn near their whole continuity, or a carefully…

  • Vintage Gaming – Star Wars:  Rebellion

    Vintage Gaming – Star Wars: Rebellion

    Star Wars: Rebellion (or Supremacy, as it was known across the pond) is a real-time 4X game Lucasarts released in 1998 to quite mixed reviews.  I bought it and played it quite a bit, though almost always from the Rebel side.  I have a hard time playing the bad guys.  Rebellion is set just after…