Best Animated Film 2011 – Which Should Be Nominated?
As seen at Slashfilm, there will be at least 18 eligible animated movies to get Oscar nominations this year, which means there could be 5 nominees in the category. I’ve actually seen most of them, aside from the four foreign ones and the ones releasing in the next few weeks. With Pixar’s only entry the…
Vintage Gaming – River City Ransom
River City Ransom is one of those games that, if you’ve played it, you probably love it…but not a lot of people have played it. I came across it by chance at the video store once, played the heck out of it, but it took me forever to find a working copy. I finally did,…
Friday Finds – War Machine and The Hobbit
Happy Friday, all! I’m getting back in the swing of things so got some posts down this week. Not sure how many I’ll manage for next week, though, as I’m planning to fire up River City Ransom for OGT. Might just nerd-snipe myself into oblivion there, love that game. Anyway, this week’s posts: Kid Movie…
Old Game Tuesday – The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
When I was a kid, I rented a ton of games for my various game systems as even then I really hated the idea of wasting what little money I had on a bad game. I also preferred renting the simpler action games rather than buying them, figuring something like Final Fantasy III, which took…
Kid Movie Reviews – Coraline
I finally got to see Coraline last night, on TV even though I have a DVD copy, and enjoyed it immensely. If you are not familiar with it (or the Neil Gaiman book it is based on), Coraline Jones is an 11 year old girl who craves her parents’ attention. Especially since they just moved…
Friday Finds – Vicious Krakens
I’ve been seriously sick pretty much all week, so there isn’t much this week. Hope to recover over the weekend so I can get back after it. NaNoWriMo? Should I subject myself to this again? – Apparently so. Movie Review – Real Steel – Quite entertaining. Links: Krakens be crazy. Flying power generation, very cool.…
Movie Review – Real Steel
I took my son with me to see Real Steel last night. Much like Rise of the Planet of the Apes, this was a movie that hit my radar late. I mean, I knew about it, and probably made the jokes everyone else made about Rock’em Sock’em Robots. It wasn’t until reviews started to come…
NaNoWriMo? Should I subject myself to this again?
Why am I considering this? Shall I torment myself yet another year? Yeah, actually, I think so. Looking at the 10 Types of writer’s block I linked earlier, I think I might have a way past the ones that typically take me down. I have ideas, and I think I can strangle my inner critic,…
Freaking AMAZING Lord of the Rings LEGO
Via GeekTyrant (and they saw it at Brothers Brick), a 22,000 brick, 7ft tall, 145lb LotR ‘Battle of Isengard’ set. The builders, called OneLug, really outdid themselves, including everything from the partially burned Ent, an amazing effect of the dam bursting with the blue and clear stud pieces, Wormtongue hiding behind Saruman…really, reall cool. Click…