• Book Review – Redshirts (or: Dead Ensigns is going to be the name of my next band)

    Book Review – Redshirts (or: Dead Ensigns is going to be the name of my next band)

    If you’re like I was when reading the early reviews, this one might frustrate you, because I’m going to try not to spoil things too badly.  It’s not going to be easy, though, as Redshirts is not like most sci-fi books you might read.  You’re going to make assumptions about this book, John Scalzi’s latest,…

  • The Legend of Korra: WHOA

    Note:  bigtime spoilers here, if you aren’t fully caught up. I watched episode 8 today (both times it was on!) and am completely floored at what’s happening here.  The show is moving through plot at a breakneck pace, and just when you think they might take a breather, BOOM, Tarrlok and Korra fight.  And for…

  • Book Review – The King’s Blood by Daniel Abraham

    Book Review – The King’s Blood by Daniel Abraham

    Note:  some minor spoilers. The King’s Blood is the second book in Daniel Abraham’s “The Dagger and the Coin” series, and I’ve been looking forward to this since finishing the first book, The Dragon’s Path.  Abraham has built an interesting world around the 13 races of humanoids left behind after the rule of dragons had ended. …

  • Diablo 3 Is Always On, But I’m Not

    Diablo 3 Is Always On, But I’m Not

    Of course, Diablo 3 has yet to actually BE always on, but.. I do not yet own Diablo 3.  There was a time in my life, years ago, when I younger me would’ve been shocked at older me saying that.  I played the heck out of Diablo 2, and it’s one of the few games…

  • Movie Review – The Avengers

    Movie Review – The Avengers

    Be warned:  Spoilers, I have them. I’ve been struggling with how to approach reviewing The Avengers.  I mean, I’m a comic guy from way back, but not an obsessive one.  Iron Man is one of my favorites, and I’m not sure I can be entirely impartial.  Had I stayed up last night (got home at 1:30am)…

  • Dragon Age 3 Speculation, Part 3

    Dragon Age 3 Speculation, Part 3

    Part 1 – Part 2 Part 3 of my look at what might come to pass for Dragon Age 3 is a look at what characters may return.  Both Awakening and DA2 had some appearances and references to previous characters, in fact they were thick on the ground for me at one point in DA2,…

  • Szpara Family Benefit

    Szpara Family Benefit

    I try to avoid a lot of this on my blog, keeping it mostly to nerdy stuff, but this is too important to let pass.  A few weeks ago, the Szpara family was in a terrible accident.  The mom, Ana, and her three sons Josh (4), Evan (6), and Tyler (9) were heading to the…

  • The Legend of Korra

    The Legend of Korra

    This is a notice to those of you who wax nostalgic about the cartoons of your youth, and claim nothing they make these days can compare.  I bet you’re not watching The Legend of Korra, the follow-up series to Avatar: The Last Airbender, on Nickelodeon.  A:TLA was well known for being an excellent show, and…

  • Nook Color Running Ice Cream Sandwich!

    I had been meaning to do this since we got it for him, but I put a ‘real’ version of Android on my son’s Nook Color last night.  After checking to see what was currently available for it, I decided to try Android 4.0 – ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’.  I followed the instructions at NookDevs for…

  • GamesRadar’s 100 Best Games of All Time – OH REALLY

    GamesRadar’s 100 Best Games of All Time – OH REALLY

    The folks at GamesRadar threw down their list of the top 100 games of all time, and while I’m not going to comment on every game (I haven’t played all of them), I’d like to point out what I think they got right and what they missed. 99.  Ducktales – Excellent pull here, actually, as…

  • Diablo 3 Open Beta Weekend

    Diablo 3 Open Beta Weekend

    I said on my forums that I might be more excited for Torchlight 2 than Diablo 3.  Considering my reaction this morning to news of an open beta weekend for D3, I might have to adjust that a tiny bit.  Heh.  I’ve kept myself out of the loop as far as development goes, hoping that…

  • Book Preview – Redshirts

    I’ve had some Scalzi on my to-read list at Goodreads for a while, but just hadn’t gotten to it.  When I saw this pop up, though, I was thoroughly intrigued.  As a Star Trek fan, the references to the Original Series are obvious and numerous – we’re just seeing it from the ‘redshirts’ side of…