Category: Review

  • New Amazon Pilot: The Tick

    New Amazon Pilot: The Tick

    The Tick is both blessed and cursed by TV.  Blessed because very few comics from such an obscure source would get not one, not two, but three tries at a series.  Cursed, because the first two attempts were both on Fox and had plenty of network interference/mismanagment.  The third try may just be the charm,…

  • Movie Review – Storks

    Movie Review – Storks

    We saw Storks at a preview screening, and it had some really cute parts and fun actiony bits.  However, I think they just had no idea how to start the movie to get to those bits and just decided to use the “I’m giving you the company as long as you don’t screw up this…

  • Comic Book Review – The Ultimates: Omniversal Volume 1

    Comic Book Review – The Ultimates: Omniversal Volume 1

    Start with the Impossible Creative Team: Writer:  Al Ewing Art:  Kenneth Rocafort Colors:  Dan Brown Letters:  Joe Sabino The Ultimates had my attention from the start, by putting together a team starring heroes I love – Captain Marvel, Ms. America, Black Panther, and Monica Rambeau – and oh yeah, GALACTUS is on the cover.  Add…

  • Game Thoughts – No Man’s Sky

    Game Thoughts – No Man’s Sky

    I’m not calling this a review as I’m not that far in, but I already have a lot of complicated thoughts about No Man’s Sky.  Here they are in no particular order: Is it any good?  I don’t…know?  Seriously, I can see how some people can tune into it – there is something zen about scooting around…

  • Movie Review – Pete’s Dragon (2016)

    Full disclosure:  if I saw the original movie as a kid, I don’t remember it.  This version of Pete’s Dragon starts out in the most Disney manner ever, with Pete (Oakes Fegley) losing his parents but being rescued by Elliott.  Pete lives in the forest for several years with Elliott, until he’s found by Grace…

  • Movie Review – Star Trek Beyond

    Movie Review – Star Trek Beyond

    I’ve got a bit of a love/hate relationship with the “Kelvin-verse” Star Trek movies.  I really like the cast, and have come to grips with the fact that, since it’s not a TV show, the movies need to shade a bit more to the action side of things than the more cerebral Trek episodes.  Still,…

  • Movie Review – Ghostbusters (2016)

    Movie Review – Ghostbusters (2016)

    I’m happy to report that I have seen the new Ghostbusters movie and did not, in fact, experience the death of my childhood.  We all enjoyed it quite a bit.  Sure, there’s a few bits that don’t land but that’s true of the original Ghostbusters if you can manage to view it without the rose-tinted glasses…

  • TV Review – Voltron: Legendary Defender Season One

    TV Review – Voltron: Legendary Defender Season One

    I know for a fact that I watched the original Lion Force Voltron when I was a kid.  I’m fairly certain I had the toys, too.  But I wasn’t a Voltron obsessive, and I’m hard-pressed to remember much more than the barest bits of the show now.  You know, five lion bots, “and I’ll form the…

  • Comic Book Review – The Vision #8

    Comic Book Review – The Vision #8

    Creative Team: Writer:  Tom King Art:  Gabriel Hernandez Walta Colors:  Jordie Bellaire Letters:  Clayton Cowles Last month, the cover shown for this issue (shown in part above) seemed to indicate the arrival of the Avengers and the beginning of the final battle.  Well, as usual expectations are twisted.  There IS a new arrival, but it’s…

  • Captain America’s “Hail Hydra” Is Not A Stunt But A Story

    Captain America’s “Hail Hydra” Is Not A Stunt But A Story

    You may have heard a little something about the recent Steve Rogers: Captain America #1.  I’m assuming if you are reading this you aren’t worried about spoilers, by the way.  So yeah, Cap was hailing HYDRA.  As soon as I saw the panel, I (unlike a lot of people, apparently) thought back to what Steve…

  • What’s New on Marvel Unlimited – May 22 to May 28, 2016

    What’s New on Marvel Unlimited – May 22 to May 28, 2016

    Every week, Marvel adds new comics to their Marvel Unlimited service. Sometimes it’s new stuff – most series they publish get issues added about 6 months after they are released in shops – and others it’s older comics. But there’s always something interesting and I will point them out weekly. Starting thing this week is…

  • What’s New on Marvel Unlimited – May 15 to May 21, 2016

    What’s New on Marvel Unlimited – May 15 to May 21, 2016

    Every week, Marvel adds new comics to their Marvel Unlimited service. Sometimes it’s new stuff – most series they publish get issues added about 6 months after they are released in shops – and others it’s older comics. But there’s always something interesting and I will point them out weekly. First up is the Jason…