Category: Review
Book Review – The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie
The First Law Trilogy is another series I’m late to, but I enjoyed The Blade Itself quite a bit! This is not my first Joe Abercrombie, having checked out Half a King previously. Abercrombie’s books tend to the ‘grimdark’ side of epic fantasy, and this is no exception. The cast of characters Much like A…
Pilot Season – The Gifted
The Gifted is a new X-Men-adjacent show on Fox, which I will explain momentarily, and it’s pretty awesome. It’s almost too bad for Marvel that The Inhumans release around the same time, because it’s not even a contest as to which is better. “Adjacent” The first question with most comic book adaptations nowadays is what…
Pilot Season – The Inhumans
I’ve watched the two episodes of Marvel’s new show, The Inhumans, and I’m reminded very strongly of season one of Agents of SHIELD. With a little of the lackluster parts of Iron Fist thrown in for good measure. It’s not great, but there is the tiniest of hope in me still that it can get…
Movie Review – Death Note (Netflix)
Oof, where to begin? Â I come to Netflix’s adaptation of the Death Note manga not from any sort of fandom. Â It’s one I was dimly aware of, but haven’t read or watched any of the anime. Â I was interested mostly because of the “Willem Dafoe voicing a death god” angle. Â Having watched it now, I…
TV Review – Amazon’s The Tick Season One
I mentioned this when I talked about the pilot episode, that it amazes me that The Tick keeps getting chances. Â The latest show, on Amazon, is the third time the hero has appeared on our screens. Â Not bad for a hero that was created a mascot for a comic book shop. Â The comics that came…
TV Review – The Defenders
With only 8 episodes, I was able to make it through The Defenders over the weekend, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Â It’s not perfect, and does run into some of the same problems as the previous Netflix shows. Â Despite that, there are plenty of really enjoyable bits. The basics behind The Defenders The…
Movie Review – Spider-Man: Homecoming
I really loved Spider-Man: Homecoming, though I can see why there were a few people who didn’t. Â It’s not what you expect from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not exactly. Â Sure, it’s a superhero story, there’s Iron Man flying around, supervillains with crazy weapons, the usual. Â But it is counter-balanced by teen drama (and comedy) which…
Movie Review – Wonder Woman
We saw an early screening, and I’m happy to report director Patty Jenkins’Â Wonder Woman is everything DC should be doing in all of their movies. Â It’s epic in scope, as befitting one of DC’s trinity of heroes. Â It’s does something interesting with Diana’s origin, managing to homage both her classic origin and the more recent…
Book Review – Red Sister by Mark Lawrence
Red Sister is the start of the latest series by Mark Lawrence, who I was previously aware of but hadn’t yet read. Â When I saw this was book one of a series and available on Netgalley, I went for it. Â What I found was a bloody story of revenge, bathed in the mysticism of a…
TV Review – Iron Fist
I finished Marvel’s latest Netflix series, Iron Fist over the weekend, and I have a lot of mixed feelings. Â I became a fan of Danny Rand fairly late, having read the Brubaker/Fraction/Swierczynski/Foreman Immortal Iron Fist series after loving Fraction/Aja’s Hawkeye and Brubaker’s Cap run. Â That series pushed a lot of my buttons, since I loved…
Batman: The Animated Series – Robin’s Reckoning
Batman: The Animated Series was an amazing show, and there are a bunch of episodes that frequently adorn “Top x B:TAS Episodes” lists. Â Robin’s Reckoning (in two parts) often rates highly on those lists, and on the 24th anniversary of the primetime premier of part 1, I’d like to take a deeper look. Viewing the…