Category: Review

  • The Legend of Korra

    The Legend of Korra

    This is a notice to those of you who wax nostalgic about the cartoons of your youth, and claim nothing they make these days can compare.  I bet you’re not watching The Legend of Korra, the follow-up series to Avatar: The Last Airbender, on Nickelodeon.  A:TLA was well known for being an excellent show, and…

  • Continuing Game Review: Dragon Age 2

    Continuing Game Review: Dragon Age 2

    Note:  Continuing means I will revisit this as I get farther in. Of course I couldn’t avoid Dragon Age 2 for very long, considering how much I loved Dragon Age: Originsand all the related DLC/expansion content.  So here I am, almost through with Kirkwall (pre-Deep Roads expedition), and enjoying it quite a bit.  I’ll put the…

  • Lightning Game Review – Realm of the Mad God

    Lightning Game Review – Realm of the Mad God

    I was glancing through the Steam ‘Free to Play’ section, lamenting how bad Star Trek Online was when I tried it, when I spotted Realm of the Mad God.  The vintage 8-bit style caught my eye, and it promised fast-paced cooperative action which would be a refreshing change from the heavy fantasy RPGs I’ve played…

  • Kid Movie Reviews – Coraline

    Kid Movie Reviews – Coraline

    I finally got to see Coraline last night, on TV even though I have a DVD copy, and enjoyed it immensely.  If you are not familiar with it (or the Neil Gaiman book it is based on), Coraline Jones is an 11 year old girl who craves her parents’ attention.  Especially since they just moved…

  • Movie Review – Real Steel

    I took my son with me to see Real Steel last night.  Much like Rise of the Planet of the Apes, this was a movie that hit my radar late.  I mean, I knew about it, and probably made the jokes everyone else made about Rock’em Sock’em Robots.  It wasn’t until reviews started to come…

  • Movie Review:  Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D

    Movie Review: Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D

    You can file this under “Movies Mike saw so you don’t have to”.  I had a pair of Fandango passes that had to be used by Friday, and this was pretty much the only movie left in theaters that was age appropriate.  ‘Appropriate’ might actually be a stretch, as vomit/fart/poop laden ‘comedy’ isn’t really appropriate…

  • Movie Review – Rise of the Planet of the Apes

    I’ll admit, I was skeptical of another ‘Planet of the Apes’ movie.  They’d had a bunch of them, and only the first was really any good.  The recent remake was pretty forgettable, so much so that I had forgotten the end, despite having seen it at least twice on TV.  So why go see this? …

  • Movie Review – Cowboys and Aliens

    Saw Cowboys and Aliens today, and it was just okay.  The early parts of the movie seemed to go in fits and starts, though the climactic scenes moved along well enough.  It’s an interesting mix of Sci-Fi and Western themes, and I do have to admit I had to rethink a few characters after seeing…

  • Friday Finds – Jumping the Shark

    Solid week, things are easy at the office.  Here are the week’s posts: Movie Review – Captain America: The First Avenger – Cap rocks, even if the Red Skull didn’t. Old Game Tuesday – Heroes of Might and Magic – Got me playing this again (III Complete), at least until my wife plays me and…

  • Movie Review – Captain America: The First Avenger

    Movie Review – Captain America: The First Avenger

    I went to see Captain America: The First Avenger this weekend, and I have to say, it was a TON of fun.  It comes close, to me, to the first Iron Man as far as quality of the movie.  It does lack some small bit of the emotional impact I felt with Iron Man, but…

  • Kung Fu Panda 2 – Sequels 101

    Kung Fu Panda 2 – Sequels 101

    I saw Kung Fu Panda 2 this weekend with the kids at the Movieland 8, and we enjoyed it immensely.  Even my 3 year old sat through most of it with rapt attention, except for the times when I let her little popcorn tray get empty. ;)  Kung Fu Panda 2 is an excellent example…

  • Movie Review:  Transformers: Dark of the Moon

    Movie Review: Transformers: Dark of the Moon

    Transformers: Dark of the Moon is not a bad movie.  I know that seems like faint praise, but considering the flack Michael Bay gets for the first two, I thought I’d put that right out there.  I enjoyed myself, and if you suspect that you might as well, go see it without guilt.  Wait for…