Category: Review
Movie Review – Rise of the Guardians
Rise of the Guardians is the latest William Joyce property to be adapted to the big screen, though I would caution that it’s a pretty loose adaptation. It’s a Dreamworks production, so the visuals are great. The story follows the Guardians of childhood – somewhat nebulously defined, but Santa (“North”), the Easter Bunny, the Sandman,…
Lightning Movie Reviews – Skyfall, Wreck-It Ralph and The Man with the Iron Fists
I have been to several movies lately, and have been remiss in reviewing them. I aim to make up for that now. Here are my quick hit thoughts on the movies in the title. Skyfall – This is an amazing movie, but not for the reasons you’d expect for a Bond movie. Sure, there’s action,…
Movie Review – Hotel Transylvania
We saw Hotel Transylvania recently, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Adam Sandler voices Dracula, who, it turns out, isn’t such a bad guy. He just wants to raise his daughter Mavis (voiced by Selena Gomez) in peace, so he builds a monsters-only hotel surrounded by layers of defenses to keep…
How to Train Your Dragon Live!
The fam and I saw the How to Train Your Dragon Live show over the weekend, and we have pictures! Â It’s a tough thing to photograph, but these are the best. Â And of course, a few pictures of the cutest kids in the world are in there.
The Dark Knight Rises
Spoilers, in case you still haven’t seen it yet. I’ve seen The Dark Knight Rises twice now, and my head is still swirling. After the first time, I agreed with the prevailing sentiment that it was a good finish to the trilogy, but The Dark Knight was better on its own, and left it at…
LG Viper 4G LTE – First Impressions
I’ve been fooling around with my new phone for a few days, and it is the LG Viper 4G LTE. Â So far, it’s been great – very much like the Optimus S I am giving up, just better in most every way. Â Larger screen (4in) but not obnoxious, 1.2ghz dual core processor, tons of room…
Movie Review – The Amazing Spider-Man
Note: some minor spoilers. I’m going to shift things up a bit, as the movie has been out for a while. First, I’d suggest reading this, which compares the Raimi Spider-Man movies with The Amazing Spider-Man. This covers many of my problems with the movie, though I enjoyed it a bit more than that reviewer.…
Book Review – Caliban’s War
Caliban’s War, the second book in James S. A. Corey’s “The Expanse” series, begins with a bang. Â Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter, is the breadbasket of the outer planets, producing the food needed in all the asteroids and ships out that far. Â Mars and Earth both have domes on the moon, and with the uneasy…
The Legend of Korra Season Finale – You Gotta Deal With It!
We have watched the Korra finale a few times now in these parts, and I love it. Â There are many who don’t, and they would be wrong. Â That is not to say that there weren’t problems or things that could’ve been tweaked, some silly choices, but you know what? Â I didn’t even think of them…
Book Review – Dragon Age: The Silent Grove
The Silent Grove is graphic novel set in the Dragon Age universe, written by the same man who was the main writer of the games, David Gaider, along with Alexander Freed and Chad Hardin. If you’ve read this site at all, you know I loved Dragon Age: Origins and it’s related content, and came around…
Book Review – Redshirts (or: Dead Ensigns is going to be the name of my next band)
If you’re like I was when reading the early reviews, this one might frustrate you, because I’m going to try not to spoil things too badly. Â It’s not going to be easy, though, as Redshirts is not like most sci-fi books you might read. Â You’re going to make assumptions about this book, John Scalzi’s latest,…
Movie Review – The Avengers
Be warned: Spoilers, I have them. I’ve been struggling with how to approach reviewing The Avengers. I mean, I’m a comic guy from way back, but not an obsessive one. Iron Man is one of my favorites, and I’m not sure I can be entirely impartial.  Had I stayed up last night (got home at 1:30am)…