Category: Review

  • Get to know an MMO:  Marvel Heroes

    Get to know an MMO: Marvel Heroes

    Note:  First in a series where I look at current MMO games from a Free to Play perspective (as I’m too much of a cheapskate to pay for a monthly fee unless the game is REALLY good). As you know from this site, I’m a big Marvel comics fan.  I read them as a kid,…

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rewatch – Season Two

    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rewatch – Season Two

    DS9 Rewatch:  Season One The series really starts to round into form with it’s second season, with the actors seeming to be much more comfortable in their roles.  More Dominion stuff, more Bajoran stuff, more Garak.  Here are my episode thoughts: Episodes 1, 2, 3 – The Homecoming, The Circle, The Siege:  A rare three…

  • Movie Review – Star Trek Into Darkness

    Movie Review – Star Trek Into Darkness

    There will be spoilers.  You are warned. If there’s anything I know from reading reactions to Star Trek Into Darkness, it’s that it is very polarizing.  You are going to love it or hate it.  The middle ground ‘it was decent’ option is pretty darn uncommon. To best prepare you for discussing STID, I’m going…

  • Movie Review – Iron Man 3

    Movie Review – Iron Man 3

    A few notes:  I’m a huge Iron Man fanboy, and I’ll try to keep spoilers out of the first paragraph.  Beyond that, you’ve been warned. My son and I went to see Iron Man 3 last night, and had a lot of fun.  I think, at this point, they are never recapturing the magic of…

  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rewatch – Season One

    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rewatch – Season One

    Since we finally bit the bullet and signed on with Netflix, I decided it was high time to re-watch my favorite Star Trek series, Deep Space Nine.  There are a few rough patches, but I enjoyed S1 quite a bit more than I anticipated. Some general thoughts first.  Bashir was so annoying at first, wasn’t…

  • Book Review – Spiral, a Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith Comic

    Book Review – Spiral, a Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith Comic

    I have a review copy of the trade paperback collection of the five part Spiral series, which is a Star Wars comic set in the Old Republic era.  This means that the Sith are still an entire empire of their own, though the ‘Lost Tribe of the Sith’ are actually a splinter group stranded on…

  • Book Review – Wool (1-5)

    Book Review – Wool (1-5)

    Where to begin. I could tell you that Wool is about humans eking out an existence in underground silos, but that’s just a frame – a common one in fiction, from City of Ember to the Fallout games, it’s been done. No, what this series of tales is about is people, psychological manipulation, mob mentality,…

  • Movie Review – G.I. Joe: Retaliation

    Movie Review – G.I. Joe: Retaliation

    I was never a G.I. Joe kid growing up – I don’t remember it being forbidden, but discouraged, but it was also always on opposite something else I wanted to watch.  I went to see this with a couple of friends who were way more into the Joes than I ever was, including one that…

  • Movie Review – The Croods

    Movie Review – The Croods

    I almost didn’t go see The Croods.  When I was just seeing the stand-ups and posters in the theaters, it didn’t appeal to me.  Cavemen really do little for me – how many jokes can you make about them, anyway?  Early clips and trailers did little to disuade me from that notion.  What actually got…

  • SimCity – My Impressions

    SimCity – My Impressions

    If you are reading this, you probably know all the debates on the new SimCity, about always-on (and whether it’s needed), how scummy EA is, the stupid decisions leading up to the release of the game, and so on.  I’ll be touching on all of that, as well as the actual gameplay. First, Origin.  I…

  • Book Review – Dragon Age: Those Who Speak

    Book Review – Dragon Age: Those Who Speak

    I got my hands on a galley copy of Dragon Age: Those Who Speak, the latest graphic novel filling in the gaps in the Dragon Age universe.  Written by David Gaider, this comic follows Dragon Age: The Silent Grove and takes Alistair, Varric and Isabela to the Tevinter Imperium, giving us a taste of that foul place, continuing…

  • Game Review – Dishonored

    Game Review – Dishonored

    I’ve been playing Dishonored off and on for a while now, and it’s got a lot going for it.  The world is a sort of Steampunk+Magic mix that’s right in my wheelhouse.  I’m fairly in practice with stealthy fighting techniques thanks to making it most of the way through Splinter Cell: Conviction, and Dishonored has…