Category: Review
Classic Comics – X-Men: Days of Future Past
I’ve been on a comics kick of late, as well as a nostalgia high from Comics Alliance’s X-Men animated series recaps, so checking out some classic X-Men storylines seemed like a no-brainer. Â Especially when I saw Comixology having a sale on several collections. Â I bought the X-Men: Days of Future Past book as prepwork for…
Movie Review – Frozen
We finally made it out to Frozen this weekend, and it’s just as wonderful as I had been hearing. My kids were transfixed, my wife (JUST HER OK) teared up, and even the sidekick snowman made sense. A lot more sense than the trailers let on. Queen Elsa’s song “Let It Go” lives up to…
Book Review – Runaways, Volume 1: Pride and Joy
What would you do if you found out your parents were supervillains? Â That’s the basic question answered in Brian K. Vaughn’s (Saga) Runaways series. Â Each year, 6 families come together for a meeting – the kids are told it’s to plan out charitable giving for the year. Â “Good deeds should be done in secret, with…
Movie Review – The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Many people were nervous when Peter Jackson wanted to make two movies out of The Hobbit, and it only deepened when three were discussed. The first movie was pretty divisive – Tolkien purists disliked the changes, and the added parts with the council and the Necromancer bothered some folks. Others felt that if they got…
Game Review – Tiny Death Star and Heroes of Dragon Age
I don’t talk about or review Android games very often here, mostly because I’m usually the last guy to try one. But I want to speak about two games today, and the sharp contrast is enjoyment that has nothing to do with the games themselves.  Both Tiny Death Star and Heroes of Dragon Age are…
Book Review – B.P.R.D.: Vampire
Spoilers, yo. Mike Mignola’s Hellboy has spawned a whole fleet of spin-off books and interesting characters, and the issues collected in BPRD: Vampire center around Agent Anders, a man haunted – literally – by vampires. Â He has the spirits of two vampire sister locked away inside him, but the seal is weakening. Â He becomes obsessed…
Movie Review – Free Birds
You’ve already seen this movie, if you’ve seen the commercials. Â Add in a love interest turkey and I’m sure you can figure out the rest. Â The best part by far was George Takei as the voice of the time machine, STEVE. Â Even managed to slip in an “Oh Myyy” at the end. Â This should’ve been…
Game Review – LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
I played a demo of the very first LEGO game, LEGO Star Wars, it seems like forever ago. Â Since 2005, Traveller’s Tales has created similar games in numerous licensed worlds (DC comics, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter among them), but the latest game, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, is definitely the pinnacle of the series. Â Though…
Movie Review – Thor: The Dark World
The first Thor movie (am I the only one who feels like THOR should be all-caps? Â or maybe in that ‘Asgardian’ font they use in the comics?) was a solid effort despite some cornball moments. Â The real star turn from that was for Tom Hiddleston’s Loki however, and the fact he got to villain it…
Movie Review – Ender’s Game
Note: Â my love of the book predates any knowledge of OSC’s deplorable politics and views on gays. Â Not discussing that here. I have a long history with the book Ender’s Game. Â My brother gave it to me to read after he read it and loved it, I couldn’t have been more than 10 years old.…
Book Review: Hellboy: The Midnight Circus
Chalk this one up as a win for the Hellboy movie franchise! Â I enjoyed both movies (and eagerly await a third, hint hint guys) so when this popped up on NetGalley, it was a no-brainer to check out. Â (Spoilers from here on) Â The Midnight Circus deals with young Hellboy at the BPRD. Â He’s still not…
Book Review – Code Monkey Save World #1
I’m betting most of you reading this have at least a passing familiarity with Jonathan Coulton, even if it’s just from his song Still Alive from the end of the amazing Portal video game. Â Code Monkey Save World is a graphic novel adaptation of some of JoCo’s music, written by Greg Pak (currently of Batman/Superman…