Category: Movies

  • Ant-Man, Michael Douglas, and YOU

    Ant-Man, Michael Douglas, and YOU

    Casting news came down this week that Michael Douglas had signed on to play original Ant-Man Hank Pym in Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man, due out in 2015.  However, this came on the heels of Paul Rudd signing on to play Ant-Man…so who is it going to be?  Both, if they do it right. Like many hero…

  • Movie Review – Frozen

    Movie Review – Frozen

    We finally made it out to Frozen this weekend, and it’s just as wonderful as I had been hearing.  My kids were transfixed, my wife (JUST HER OK) teared up, and even the sidekick snowman made sense.  A lot more sense than the trailers let on.  Queen Elsa’s song “Let It Go” lives up to…

  • Movie Review – The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

    Movie Review – The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

    Many people were nervous when Peter Jackson wanted to make two movies out of The Hobbit, and it only deepened when three were discussed.  The first movie was pretty divisive – Tolkien purists disliked the changes, and the added parts with the council and the Necromancer bothered some folks.  Others felt that if they got…

  • Movie Review – Free Birds

    You’ve already seen this movie, if you’ve seen the commercials.  Add in a love interest turkey and I’m sure you can figure out the rest.  The best part by far was George Takei as the voice of the time machine, STEVE.  Even managed to slip in an “Oh Myyy” at the end.  This should’ve been…

  • Movie Review – Thor: The Dark World

    Movie Review – Thor: The Dark World

    The first Thor movie (am I the only one who feels like THOR should be all-caps?  or maybe in that ‘Asgardian’ font they use in the comics?) was a solid effort despite some cornball moments.  The real star turn from that was for Tom Hiddleston’s Loki however, and the fact he got to villain it…

  • Movie Review – Ender’s Game

    Movie Review – Ender’s Game

    Note:  my love of the book predates any knowledge of OSC’s deplorable politics and views on gays.  Not discussing that here. I have a long history with the book Ender’s Game.  My brother gave it to me to read after he read it and loved it, I couldn’t have been more than 10 years old.…

  • Movie Review – Elysium

    Movie Review – Elysium

    I really wanted to like Elysium, and I guess I do, somewhat.  However, there are some serious problems here that kept me from getting even as far as “I really like it” or “It’s great!”.  The first half seemed to drag.  Too much establishing of characters, and even then, it didn’t stick.  I never got…

  • Movie Review – The Wolverine

    Movie Review – The Wolverine

    Adaptation movies are such balancing acts, especially with comic book movies.  Alienate the fans, and the negative backlash on the geek sites will wash you away.  But the superfans alone do not bring in the box office numbers (just look at Joss and Serenity) so you can’t hew too close to the source if it…

  • Movie Review – Pacific Rim

    Movie Review – Pacific Rim

    Ah, Pacific Rim.  The movie every geek wanted to see, but it’s ‘underperforming‘ despite that.  There are many reasons being bandied about (no big stars! being the most prominent).  For me, Pacific Rim did exactly what it was supposed to.  And it cuts through a lot of the crap we’ve come to expect with a…

  • Movie Review – Despicable Me 2

    Movie Review – Despicable Me 2

    Thanks to the fine folks at, my 5 year old daughter and I saw Despicable Me 2 last night.  It’s got a lot to live up to, as the first is one of our favorite movies as a family, and one of the most-quoted.  I’m happy to report that, for the most part, Despicable…

  • Movie Review – Man of Steel

    Movie Review – Man of Steel

    Superman, the character, has never held great appeal for me.  I’ve enjoyed some of the movies and shows, read a few comics here and there, but he’s never been particularly interesting.  The trailers for Man of Steel, though, intrigued me.  They promised a Superman with some depth, played with the mythology a bit, and implied…

  • Movie Review – Star Trek Into Darkness

    Movie Review – Star Trek Into Darkness

    There will be spoilers.  You are warned. If there’s anything I know from reading reactions to Star Trek Into Darkness, it’s that it is very polarizing.  You are going to love it or hate it.  The middle ground ‘it was decent’ option is pretty darn uncommon. To best prepare you for discussing STID, I’m going…