Category: Life
Child's Play Update
The boys are nearing their goal, having crossed the $600,000 threshold!. Here’s the previous post if you are not sure what’s going on.
Sprint Steps Up (after a bit of coercion)
Today, the payment is not only returned to us, but sent straight back into the bank account! Which the phone monkeys had claimed was not possible for them to do. GG Sprint for taking your medicine and keeping a customer, I didn’t want to have to cancel with them as their service in this area…
Child's Play
Gamers unite! It’s time to donate to Child’s Play, the charity started by the creators of the popular webcomic Penny Arcade. What exactly IS Child’s Play? Here are Gabe and Tycho in their own words: Child’s Play works the same as last year. With the help of hospital staff, we’ve set up gift wish lists…
Consumerist Shows You How To FIGHT Corporate America!
The Consumerist has revised and updated their article on fighting back against Corporations that are screwing you over. It’s really an aggregation of multiple helpful articles, from how to write an effective complaint letter, lists of corporate executive contact information for where to send to (and how to find the ones they don’t have), to…
Exploding Head Syndrome
No, I’m not making that up. There is an actual medical condition called Exploding Head Syndrome. (get your minds out of the gutter, people). Exploding head syndrome is a condition first reported by a British physician in 1988 that causes the sufferer to occasionally experience a tremendously loud noise as if from within his or…
TasteBook – Make Your Own Cookbook
Cruising the usual blags today, and came across TasteBook. You can create a customized cookbook (professional looking, mind you) with a mix of your own recipes, and ones taken from I am thinking that sort of thing would be a neat gift for the amateur chefs of the world.
Lifehacker's Power Traveler's Checklist
Lifehacker has 2 parts posted of their Power Traveler’s Checklist, which is an awesome list of web sites, tips and tricks that will make travel (especially air travel) MUCH easier. Part 1 is all about preparation, including finding the best fare prices and how to pack effectively. Part 2 is about the travel day itself,…
PriceDrop – Firefox Extension
Here’s more fun found at Lifehacker: PriceDrop. It lets you track items on Amazon for price drops, and the advantage is all the details are stored locally, not on an external website. Very useful to keep an eye on items for price guarantees. There’s a somewhat similar web-based app called PriceProtectr that works for a…
Best When Used By
If you are the sort of person who wants to make maximum use out of the food you buy, but always end up throwing your perishables away because of spoilage, check out Best When Used By. Plug in the food you buy, the expiry date, and it will keep you up to date on how…
Best Flying Device 1974 Had to Offer
No Arthur, you’re very flying! There was a ‘Rocket Belt Conference’ held at the Niagara Falls Airbase, highlighted by Eric Scott flying around with his jetpack.
Rant: Prefoamed Hand Soap
Prefoaming hand soap is the downfall of civilization. Seriously, when did people get so fracking lazy that they can’t make their own soap foam up? I don’t know about you, but I never stood in front of the sink in the bathroom thinking ‘You know, I’m having a hell of a time getting this soap…
I would just like to congratulate my wife, Jennifer, for graduating with her Associates Degree last night! Thomas and I knew you could do it!