live action The Tick, his arms wide open

Bringing HIYLJ Back To Life

A long time ago, I wrote on this blog (and one other covering the Buffalo Sabres) a LOT. I formed some great friendships in the blogosphere, got to do some cool stuff, it was great. As blogs fell off in popularity – and life got even busier – I stopped writing. I’ve popped back in from time to time when I’ve had a fit of inspiration, but I haven’t been able to be consistent.

Well, starting in 10 days or so, I’m going to change that! For several years, I’ve dabbled at content creation on Twitch and YouTube. Much like writing lately, I haven’t been able to grow much because I struggled with consistency. Seeing multiple websites for gaming/nerd news and reviews close down got me thinking that it was time to get back into it.

So how’s it going to work? I’m going to combine my love of streaming/content creating WITH this website to make both more consistent! As I try new games on my Twitch channel (such as the demos on the current Steam Next Fest or new games that hit Game Pass for PC) I’ll review them here, and record some YouTube videos. If I read a book (I have Xiran Jay Zhao’s Iron Widow ready to roll), I’ll post about it here, but can also do a short form video.

“Sounds great, but how can I help?” I’m glad you asked! First, when you see a new blog post or video, share it! Like it! Comment on it! Go to Amazon or the Humble Store and use my link! Subscribe on Twitch (you may have a free sub every month if you have Amazon Prime!)! I have also set up Ko-fi for long-term support, anyone that’s a monthly subscriber (as little as $3/month) gains access to my full set of Discord channels. Come chat about the latest book you read, or game you played! I will be dropping some random Steam keys for games in there!

I have a call to action for you! If you’re reading this, go to my Ko-fi and vote in this poll. Tell me what you want to see from me…do you want to talk video games, or books? More of a comics person? Say so! Make sure to follow on Ko-fi, and while you’re at it, hit me up at my other socials so you don’t miss any new content. Let’s get out there and have some fun together!



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