Chapter One, Part Two: The Road to Brinewall

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I have you all in the middle of the map, at the bottom (just above the word village).  Note that since each square is 20ft on this map, your Detect Magic only extends to the ruined houses across the street at most and there are no unexpected magical auras present.  Investigation of any other areas will come when someone says 'I go here'.  The castle is obviously in the northwest, the cemetery on the southeast, and the round point to the northeast is the lighthouse.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Horcrust wanders around, looking for anything magic, whilst also looking for anything else of value.


Seeing the sorcerer break formation, Owen briefly considers just going on without him.  The unknown magics of the castle force him to reevaluate, since Horcrust is a spellcaster.. 

"Where is it that you are going?"  Owen hisses.


"I want to know if anything here is magic, If we find something we certainly can't ignore something right there that is magic. I don't want to go to the castle first, as I don't think speed will make any difference. I certainly don't want anything potentially interesting behind us." Horcrust specifically does not mention what he means by 'interesting'.

Horcrust first goes towards the area to the east.


"Please, elaborate on your medical opinion. You obviously must have diagnosed Ameiko's malady, if you are able to determine that time is not of the essence. She could be dying back at the caravan. We don't have time for "interesting."


"Are we even sure the cure, if it is even something to be cured, is in that castle?"

Horcrust is not sure about time, but is fairly certain that whatever time scale looking around takes is not important. He figures that if it was, she would have suffered the worst she will.


"No, but the goal of our journey has been to discover a link to Ameiko's past within Brinewall Castle, as stated by Ameiko herself. The sooner we acquire this link, the sooner we can get her out of here."


"We don't even know what will happen when we leave. I think we should get as much information as possible. If you feel strongly about it I see no reason we can't go to the castle first, but I think whatever happens we should check the ruined village."


"How about a compromise?  Let's swing past the village just to make sure that we're not leaving anybody or anything dangerous at our backs, but then let's focus our attentions on the castle.  What do you think?" the older halfling asks.


"Anything valuable can be picked up later, I just don't want enemy's both in front and behind."


"Alternatively, we discreetly circle around the town and therefore avoid riling up any dangers within. Let its denizens sleep soundly."


Horcrust frowns and decides it is not worth an argument with the druid for a hunch.

"Fine, though we really don't know anything about this place. I don't want to get caught off guard." (readied action, elemental ray anything else that moves)


"Then it is decided."  Owen states, relieved that he is spared having to continue on to the castle alone.


"Done and done.  Let's move out." Jeddy says.