Serpent's Skull - OOC

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This is a new OOC thread for the Serpent's Skull Pathfinder game.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!




I apologize for my delay.  I will try to get to this sometime this week.  If you guys are really impatient, feel free to throw something together based on what I've already got from the previous game, and I will make due.


I can work up what I think is close, and if you see any changes you'd like we can roll with that.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Oh well. The delay simply allowed a necessary adjustment to my character.


Grabbed the Wild Rager archetype for flavor and style points. FYI, if I kill something while raging and fail my next Will save, run. In fact, it is best to not stand anywhere near me while I'm raging.


Ah, like the Frenzied Berzerker, then?
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Essentially, if I kill an enemy while raging, I have to make a will save (DC is 10 + Charisma mod + Barbarian level) to avoid attacking the next closest creature. If I fail, I am automatically confused the next turn, as per the spell. I get a save at the end of the round. If I fail, it continues. Not really sure there is an upside to that at all. Oh well.


I believe the standard fix for those situations is having a friend with Calm Emotions available to cast.  So things might be squirrely until Bigsby gets level 2 spells. :D

I will be posting up the initial thread today most likely.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Calm Emotions would definitely be useful.


Chapter One post is up.  If you haven't yet, look at the campaign traits in the player's guide and pick where you are from. :)  And everyone look over your sheets, for the ones I made, and get familiar.  If they don't currently have the masterwork gear I promised, I will be working on that.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Ha!  The cook would wink, that's for sure.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!



Is there a place with choices of where to be from?  I'm from a forest domain of an Elven queen.  If I can make up anything I want, I'll call it Adenwyld.

And dang, time flies!