Chapter One, Part One: Fires over Brinestump

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Faraway steps back out of the trees. Scanning the sky, he raises a whistle to his lips, and blows through it soundlessly. In moments, a great white bird detaches from a clump of clouds and lands on a fallen branch nearby. Its eye flash with reflected sunlight as its gaze takes in the party with in the trees briefly before landing its druid master.

Faraway approaches the bird. He rests a hand against the great creature's feathered head (the bird almost seems to lean into the hand affectionately), and whispers a few brief commands. His instructions complete, he steps back, and the bird takes to the air and quickly speeds its way over the trees.

Turning back to his companions, Faraway explains:

"Neith will watch from above and stay close in case we need her."

Neith has a +5 to Perception checks. Though, depending on the foliage, that may be limited to some extent.


Owen stretches, and then climbs down from the wagon.  He takes a few minutes to don his armor, and does a handful of checks on his gear before strapping his pack and sword to his back.  He pauses for a minute to feel the goddess given strength flow through him, and give thanks to Sarenrae.  He savors the morning sun, before he needs to head into the dark and murky swamp.

Owen has a pretty average height and build.  He's exceptionally strong though, and I am playing that as if it is a supernatural benefit of being a paladin.  I don't think it matters beyond fluff, but wanted to mention it.


Jed is woken from his dream of home and family.  He is disoriented at first, and then it hits him -- they're all dead.  Grim faced, he puts on his armor as well.  He had never worn armor before this week, but it came more naturally then he ever would have guessed.  He would have expected to feel foolish, dressing up like something he wasn't, but instead it felt right.  He still didn't know why he had been given this mantle of the heavens, but whoever or whatever gave it to him apparently wanted him to stay protected. 


"If we meet goblins I don't think we should attack immediately, as I might be able to talk to them"

Horcrust has a +4 on diplomacy and +8 on intimidate


At the front of the group, Faraway waits patiently for his companions to prepare. The druid leans slightly on his short spear. His scimitar hangs at his hip, and his wooden shield is slung around his shoulder.

"I didn't realize you speak goblin, Horcrust."


As the wagon comes to a halt, S'Vith snores slightly.  As his companions begin to exit the wagon, it shakes lightly, jarring him from dreams of barmaids, riches, and a deity or two.  Whether the barmaids or the deities were more attractive, S'Vith could not be the most reliable judge.  S'Vith slowly rouses himself from his slumber, stands in the wagon, and vaults himself over the side and onto the ground.  He stretches out his arms with a loud yawn and proceeds to pop his neck, his back, and each knuckle on his hands.

Noticing Faraway waiting, S'Vith salutes him solemnly and then sits down on the ground with his legs closed to meditate.  Not without pause for a snide remark, "There seem to be a lot of things you don't realize, eh Faraway?"


The druid's easy smile fades at S'Vith's comment. His eyes rest on the dwarf as he sits in meditation, but only for a moment. Not goaded into replying, Faraway instead turns to inspect the various ties and buckles on his armor and gear to make sure everything is secured as it should be.


Once everyone is ready, the group heads into the marsh.  The air is thick and ripe, and there is the constant buzz of mosquitos and other insects around.  The trees seem to press in on you as you walk, constantly snagging at your clothes and armor, with a mix of cypress, oak and weeping willow predominant.  The ground is damp getting on to downright muddy in many places, just enough to catch at your boots.  Faraway's feathered companion seems content to go along just above the canopy, keeping an eye on the druid through the various breaks in the trees.

After about a 30 minute slog, you find a stream, and a bridge over it.  There are multiple planks missing, and it's leaning a bit to one side.  What was left of the railing on one side now trails away into the slow-moving water, barely held on at one end by a wooden peg.

(feel free to continue chatting up to this point - oh, and everyone roll a perception check, please.  Just put this:  [roll]{Perception} 1d20+x[/roll] which will give results like so:
Perception 1d20+5 : 6 + 5, total 11
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Faraway Perception 1d20+6 : 12 + 6, total 18


"That's a mighty fine looking bridge.  The pinncale of fine construction if ever I saw it."

Perception 1d20+7 : 13 + 7, total 20


This dice roll has been tampered with!
Jed Perception = 3(1d20) +6 = 9

eta:  What's going on here?  I tried to edit it to put it in block quotes like you did, and it won't let me.



Quote from: Porteiro on December 07, 2012, 03:20:20 PM
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Jed Perception = 3(1d20) +6 = 9

eta:  What's going on here?  I tried to edit it to put it in block quotes like you did, and it won't let me.

Porter, the forum dice roller looks different, but if you are happy with the one Nighthawk made, go for it.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


There's a forum dice roller?  Where do I go to learn about it?


S'Vith and Faraway poke and prod at the bridge a bit, frowning.  When it doesn't immediately give way, they decide it can be crossed.  Faraway goes first, though he does tell his Roc companion to pull him out of the water if needed.  Though the damp wooden bridge sags nearly to the water as the walks across, it holds, and everyone is able to get across without incident.

The path winds for a another mile or so, at one point narrowing so the larger members have to duck.  It is shortly after a second bridge when Faraway suddently calls a stop.  As the rest of you gather, you can see why - a three-toed footprint, still filling in with water.  There are a few more, leading deeper into the a stand of trees to your left.  The animals in this part of the marsh have gone silent - even the buzzing of insects has died down.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!