Chapter One, Part One: Fires over Brinestump

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If no one else has anything for Walthus, we can move ahead to the next morning.  I'll assume anyone that had restorative magics helped the halfling before the spells had to be replenished.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


OOC: I don't have anything for Walthus, but Jed has something for the group.  I'll get that out this morning.


"Fellows," Jed says to the rest of the adventuring group, "we need to talk about what happened here."

"I was able to that there was something wrong with the face of this here stalker.   And when I asked him a question in Halfling, he didn't act like he could understand it."

"So I reckoned that something was wrong, and that it might be dangerous.  Truth to tell, I thought that he might be a goblin sorcerer or something like that.  I wasn't positive -- it was just guessing, you see -- but even if I was right, I didn't want to kill him straight up without learning more information.   Which is why I told the two of you to grab him, and to do it fast.  I couldn't explain none of this to y'all at the time without giving up the surprise. Fortunately, Horcrust listened and reacted, or this could have gone much worse for us."

Jed pauses for a moment, searching for words.  "Fellows, I ain't your pappy, and I've got no authority over you.  To be honest, I still don't know what I'm doing with this whole "oracle" and "adventuring" thing.   We're all in the same boat here.  I've got no right to order or boss you around."

"I wouldn't have told you to do something like that less'n  I thought it real important.  I would have explained if it had been possible."


Faraway ponders for a moment before speaking up.

"It was my ill-placed trust that led our companions astray.  However, in my experience, trust granted equals trust received. If your hunch had been incorrect, we might have insulted our host. In the end, your suspicion was definitely justified. I will endeavor to listen more keenly to your wisdom in the future."

The druid finishes with a respectful nod to Jed.


S'Vith eyes Faraway and then sighs, "I find myself far too much in agreement with Faraway today than is usual, but I will second his sentiment.  My desire to maintain the protocol of proper guesthood interferred with my ability to see the danger at hand.  I'm quick to trust and yet also quick to action, so I hope I amend for my transgressions with a well timed prayer, a well placed fist, and a hard earned apology."  S'Vith nods respectfully, "I shall not doubt your wisdom again, halfling.  You have proved my better in these matters."  He winks, "Though one would be hardpressed to hold a dwarf to his promise when a feast is on the line, even one as small and yet as fine as this prepared by our host."


"I too had identified that something was not quite right with the being we thought was Walthus.  Before following your 'order', I was merely confirming my suspicion.  Through the grace of Sarenrae I have the ability to see certain aspects of a creature's aura, and from this I can detect when a soul is steeped in malevolence.  The process takes but a few moments.  I judged it an acceptable risk to verify my suspicion before gravely offending what could have been our only friend in these marshes."

Owen looks a little apologetic.

"I admit, I did not judge the creature much of a threat; being small, injured, and outnumbered as it appeared to be.  While this appraisal turned out to be accurate, in the end, I should be more wary of judging a creature by its size in the future.  Smallfolk are easily underestimated, eh Jeddy?"


"We have yet to meet any actual goblins but when we do Faraway here might be able to track them to the origin, namely our goal. Also about this Soggy River Monster Wathus mentioned, I think we should be on the lookout for it, or if it is even possible maybe even learn more about it. After all such a creature must have a origin."


Jed nods.  "It is far too easy for you big folk to think of us as children.  That's our biggest obstacle, and biggest strength."

"No apologies necessary.  It all worked out, and now we're even more prepared for whatever comes next."


Once the conversation has died down, Walthus shows everyone a spot where they can set up their bedrolls.  It's not exactly an inn, but it's dry and warm, and soon everyone is asleep.

The next morning, you find breakfast laid out, and a few small parcels wrapped up - a day's worth of food.  Also, all of your waterskins have been refilled.  Walthus has a small pack by the door that he picks up, and announces, "I can guide you to the beginning of the Old Fish Trail, if you like."

(if you have anything else for the halfling, now's the time)
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


As Walthus walks you back to where the Old Fish Trail begins, you talk and pick his brain about the flora and fauna of the Brinestump.  While discussing the various species of fish and the best way to prepare them for dinner, Walthus calls a stop.  "Tracks..."  They are the same thre-toed ones as before, and fresh.  "I know you are keen to take on the Licktoads...but should we check these out?"
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


"The world will be a better place with one less monster, if we can find this creature I'd be obliged to strike the first blow!"


"Walthus, is this Soggy River creature known to be hostile or dangerous to humanoids?  I do not wish to attack this being for sport.  Then it would be us who are the monsters."


Walthus nods.  "I can't be sure, but there's been...unexplained disappearances over the past few years.  It's not the goblins - they make a right mess of things when they kill, and the Licktoads aren't very good at that, really.  Your militia came and poked around, and declared all the missing folks 'runaways'.  I never believed it.  Not with the description of the Soggy River Monster I've heard."  He smiles.  "If we find it, and it invites us to tea, we'll have our answer I suppose!  But I leave it to you.  The goblins may be a more pressing problem."
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


"I suppose that if and when we meet this creature we should give it a chance. If we discover that it is intelligent and non-hostile after we kill it I don't think any of us will leave happy."


"I would agree, Horcrust, but an armed party confronting a creature in its home territory is itself an aggressive act.  I would not be surprised if it attacked given such provocation, even if its natural state is to be peaceful."

Owen looks unhappy.

"Though if it is behind these disappearances you speak of, Walthus, we would be remiss not to deal with it.  I only wish we had more than a tenuous link to them."

As a player I'm cool with us hunting it down, and I assume that it probably is something dangerous.  My character though isn't thrilled with the idea.