Jade Regent - OOC

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I will try to fiddle with the level up process on PC Gen after work tonight.  I may have some questions because PC Gen isn't super intuitive.


At this point, you're better off using the Pathfinder SRD and a character sheet.


I think my sheet is pretty much done.  I have to head into the office this afternoon and so likely won't be able to go through the thread and calculate his wealth.  I may start offering 10% of Owen's income to Lotsofsnow to be his accountant like last time ;).  I did add Banded Mail, on the assumption that 250gp would be easy enough to swing.

I've decided that this 2hd paladin build has everything I could want in a class:

  • Lots of damage (and full BAB).
  • A self heal.
  • Phenomenal saves.
  • Decent hit dice.
  • Eventually casts spells.
  • Plenty of room for feats.
  • Weapon and armor proficiencies.
  • Great divine fluff and abilities (detect evil, auras).
Except it needs more skill points and better class skills!

I know you can't have it all, so overall I am very happy with it.  I may want to spend a feat or two (Fast Learner?) to get more out of my skills.  Or take a level in Ranger or something silly like that.


I'll take a look at it.  Unfortunately, I do most of my game posting from work, but I can't access websites with rulebook or general info because it's flagged as "Games" by the firewall here.


Try this one:  http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/

My work allows that one but not the SRD I use at home.  That one has most of the same info, but is a little less well laid out.  Your work filter is probably smarter than mine, but still worth a shot.


That one seems to work.   :o


The D20pfsrd seems to come and go from my work PC, but Paizo's site always seems to be allowed.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Quote from: Lotofsnow on March 08, 2013, 10:53:26 AM
Not quite almost. 1885/3300.

Hmm. Myth-Weavers said it was 2000xp.


Remind me again, what % are we selling back gear at the town?

Items we could probably sell:
Medium MW chain shirt 250gp
+1 wakizashi (though this might have some quest value since it is named) 2335gp
MW cold iron wakizashi 370gp
11 x Desnan Candles (fireworks) ??gp
4 x Skyrockets (fireworks) ??gp
fancy chest ??gp
3 x rusty antique shortswords ??gp

This leaves the broken MW chainmail for Jeddy if he still wants to get it repaired and cut down to size.

On top of whatever we get for the above items, each of us gets 270g 6s from the coins and jewels.


The Desnan candles are worth 5gp a piece.  Skyrockets are 50gp each.  The chest will fetch 150gp.  The antique swords are standard steel wakizashis.  Typically you are getting the standard 50% value on gear, unless someone wants to bargain (Appraise skill?).

Let me figure out what a broken set of masterwork chainmail goes for, and we'll see what we can work out for Jeddy.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


OK. I'll wait to hear others opinions on the rest of the gear before I figure out shares.

On top of all that, we have the following party supplies to divvy up.

5 x Potions of Cure Light Wounds
2 x Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds
3 x Potions of Lesser Restoration
1 x Ring of Climbing
1 x Wand of Identify (19 charges)

Identify is on Horcrust's spell list, so I suggest he take the wand.

I'm going to claim one of the cure moderate wounds potions.

Ring of Climbing is 2500gp if we choose to sell it. Though, I guess we'd get half, so 1250gp.


Back-line guys don't need healing potions, so Faraway/Owen/S'Vith should get most of them. As for the ring of climbing, the sturdy paladin should have it.

Edit: And who exactly is using the cloak of resistance?


Quote from: SpamHead on March 08, 2013, 12:55:47 PM
Back-line guys don't need healing potions, so Faraway/Owen/S'Vith should get most of them. As for the ring of climbing, the sturdy paladin should have it.

Edit: And who exactly is using the cloak of resistance?

Owen had it. It is available now though.


Climbing with a -6 penalty from my armor would suck, but I suppose I'd just carry it in my pack if that comes up.  Honestly, I'd probably rather put that 1250 or whatever towards a suit of full plate.

I currently have the Cloak of Resistance on my sheet.  Now that I have Divine Grace class feature, he can give it up to whomever has their eye on it.  I admit, I mostly want to keep it for style reasons :).  I suppose I can buy a mundane cloak that does nothing in its stead.