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Quote from: TheTick on March 02, 2013, 03:06:54 PM
Just added a bit of background.  Gotta get in the habit of going to that site every day.

Yeah. I have to set up subscriptions/notifications for all my games or else I always forget to check them.


I just check every few hours or so.


It sounds like we've gotten a good enough look to know there isn't a second chest or more skeletons or anything obvious.

Go to town and level now?  Or risk going in for a closer look?

I don't have a strong opinion myself, and Owen probably won't try and make the decision unless asked directly.


Horcrust is too curious too leave anything interesting behind, once everything is explored then he'll go back to level.


At this point, Horcrust is just ASKING to get eaten.  I love it.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


At this point he knows if the spiders attack then both Owen and S'Vith can probably cream them and no one will have to worry about sensitive spiders not wanting us to take their treasure.



I don't think anyone has Delay Poison 3.5 says it is a 2nd level spell.


Honestly, it isn't that I don't think we can take out the spider. Just seems silly to Faraway. We accomplished our mission.

Also, telling a druid that "animals aren't folks" has no weight.


Damn, you guys are posting too fast for a monday morning!

My response now doesn't make a lot of sense.  Perhaps pretend it came before Horcrust's capitulation.

(Which was posted mere seconds before!)


As I said in the main thread, if any treasure is in there it has likely been from killing things paladins don't want dead.


Part of S'Vith just wants to run in there anyway screaming and waving his arms.


If anything in there is magic, he won't be alone.


Do it! Faraway won't stop you.


TheTick has not responded on if Detect Magic got anything. If it does not then he will agree with Faraway that there is probably not anything interesting but likely death.