[PF] Pathfinder Adventure Path

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Hi all, as I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm really enjoying my PF playing experience over at Sakeriver, and I'd like to try my hand at DM'ing one of the PF Adventure Paths.  This is a call for players - create a level 1 Pathfinder character, using all of the Paizo-official content available at the SRD, and submit the sheet here.  I'd like to see submissions by November 10, though we could start earlier if we get the players quickly.  As far as restrictions, stay away from the third-party stuff over there, and guns will be hard to come by.  Standard wealth by level for your class, take the average if you don't want to risk rolling.  25 PF point buy.  I'll probably steal the 'Big 16' questions from over at the Giant's forums and post those up later but that should be enough to start.

Note this is not related to the existing campaign here, this is separate.  The idea is this game will be a bit more fast-paced, so plan on seeing daily updates from me.  The other game will remain on a more casual update schedule for those of you who prefer that.

For anyone who submits, I'd like you to answer one add'l question - Pirates, Ninjas, or Something Else?
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Howdy Mike! 

Currently the two builds I am most interested in playing are a Trip/Reach Fighter (probably Half-Elf) or a Sacred Shield Paladin (Human).

I've got sheets in progress for them here and here.

I like to tailor my characters (and consequently the build) for the campaign, so there's a good chance I'd start fresh.  Still, wanted to post these as a couple of possibilities.  Also would be tweaked for the 25 point buy.

I'd vote "something else" or "ninja".  Twice I've tried to come up with characters for a pirate themed game, and I failed both times.  If others want pirates though I'd probably revive my martial artist monk.  I'd likely submit him for a ninja game too, come to think of it.


Sacred Shield looks fun, and I love PF Monks.  Still ticked I didn't get to play the level 12 Drunken Master I built.  Let's see what everyone else wants in an adventure. :D
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Yeah its kind of an interesting build I've got going for that Monk.  Fighting defensively, he takes a -2 on his attacks but his AC goes to 21  :o.   Then after the next crane style feat he gets (level 5 I think) he can negate one melee attack that somehow manages to hit him each round.  Oh and as a martial artist at level 4 he can also get an additional big dodge bonus (1/2 level, so starts at +2 and gets better) against one enemy as a swift action, if he needs it.   Then add defect arrows which I'd probably take as a bonus feat at some point...

So he's not going to be doing crazy damage, but could be very very frustrating for non-caster enemies to fight against.   I think he'd do enough damage to contribute, while also hopefully making enemies miss him a lot of the time.  Against casters his saves are solid, he gets evasion early on, and his touch AC is also going to be through the roof.

At least that's the theory.  I could be wrong on the particulars, but its interesting enough that I'd enjoy playing it crunch wise, even if not optimal in some respects.  Fluff wise he'd be a Tian-Shu traveler from one of the "Successor States", formally Lung Wa (basically not-China).  The rest I'd tailor to the campaign.

I've got a few different characters I'd love to play, so a lot of my decision for whom to submit would be based on what you and the other players are most interested in seeing.

Hope you get more folks looking to play.   :)


If I had a lot more experience, I'd be interested.


I actually think you'd do fine, so if you have another character concept you'd like to try out, go ahead and submit!
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


I'll have to take a look at the links you provided above and see if I can build anything.


If you have a concept in mind, let me know and I can help you with the actual build. 


How much will the concepts change if the game is ninja or pirate themed?


I'm assuming that the "Pirates" is the "Skull and Shackles" campaign, which I believe mostly just requires that your character will eventually be willing to be a pirate.  So probably a lawful good paladin wouldn't be appropriate.

I wonder if the "Ninjas" is Jade Regent, which would mean that we start in a standard fantasy setting and the Asian themed stuff comes up quite a bit later.

Either way I am leaning towards Monk for this one.  I'll start thinking more about my planned build to see if its something that'd work out.


There's a shipwreck-themed AP too (name escapes me), but don't worry about tailoring a character to the specific path.  In fact, for Skulls and Shackles it probably works better not to worry about whether you *want* to be a pirate, as you don't really get a choice. ;)  It's really just a question of whether or not you like/dislike certain things.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


So, I could just build a traditional fantasy style character, and it would still work?


Playing around with monk builds, now I am conflicted as to whether I'd prefer playing a "brawler" type of character.  A big Shoanti who fights in cage match type contests for pay and glory.

Here's the sheet in progress for that.  Hard to say which I like better.  He loses the shifty dodging that Crane Style guy has, but he does more damage and can grapple enemies when its handy to do so.  A big trade-off, and I'm not sure which would actually be more fun or effective.


Sure, especially with the Skulls and Shackles path, you're just a regular person who gets press-ganged into service.  The Jade Regent path (the Asian-flavored one) starts in Sandpoint, and has many of the same NPCs, at least to start.  A cursory read of the shipwreck one seems almost Temple of Doom in tone.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


I am interested.  I've got a character concept that I'm mulling around that might work.  I need to look some more at the PFSRD.