The Work Weather Thread

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The Genuine

Sunshine today.  Wearing nearing the high-60s.  Most people would like this weather.   :x


101 degrees.   :oops: <--------- sunburned.

El Seed

After swealtering heat this weekend, the mid-eighties today will seem mild! 8)
First: Never stand in back of a cow!


It's gorgeous now. When I went to work this morning, however, it was 36! o_O

El Seed

The sea breeze is coming in! 8)
First: Never stand in back of a cow!


Currently 106 with 12 percent humididty.


77 degrees with showers.

And my roof is leaking. :(

El Seed

Beautiful Day in Napa! 8)
First: Never stand in back of a cow!

El Seed

Low 80's are in store for Today. Where's that sea breeze?
First: Never stand in back of a cow!

El Seed

Not so much a sea breeze, but the onshore flow will keep us mild today.
First: Never stand in back of a cow!


In the low 80s. All my coworkers talked about how nice it was, and I kept thinking, "Nice?! Are you kidding me? It's freakin' hot!"


85 and cloudy.


It was sunny and hot today, but I was inside, so I didn't see it.

And my roof is now fixed.

El Seed

Just in time for the... dry... season...?
First: Never stand in back of a cow!

El Seed

Our fog came back last night, blanketing the bay in its cooling goodness. Looks like we're beginning our typical summer pattern, fog in the morning and clearing in the afternoon to the mid-seventies to upper eighties.

I'm liking our North Bay climate right now.  8)
First: Never stand in back of a cow!