The Work Weather Thread

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Jon Boy

Quote from: "The Genuine"Can you get anywhere or are you snowed in?
It only snowed two or three inches last night, so we're not snowed in. It's just really slushy and sloppy.
Jon Boy is merciful!
—El Seed

The Genuine

Another point scored for New York!

El Seed

Gong hei fat choi! If you like your years in even lunar cycles, today is the day!

It's near freezing this morning, but we should warm quickly.
First: Never stand in back of a cow!

The Genuine

It was in the 20s today.  I picked up my boss on the way in this morning and we talked about our recent sexual achievements.

El Seed

Wow. My boss is a fundamentalist. That would never happen. :D

Mild 40's this morning, 60 this afternoon.

No rain in sight. :|
First: Never stand in back of a cow!


Approximately four inches of snow, with more reportedly on the way this afternoon.

I'm at work today. It remains to be seen whether I'll be at work tomorrow. (Guess it depends on how much more we get...)

The Genuine

We had a dusting, and it slowed traffic, but wasn't really much of an obstacle.


Well, my car's not going anywhere today. Nine inches, and still going!


Psh.  Kids today.  :D  I'm just happy the worst of it went south!


In my defense, I drive a 1995 Toyota Tercel with less than a foot of clearance from the ground.

Also, my boss called me after I called in to let me know that the department was basically closed for the day. :D

El Seed

You have internet access. You should telecommute!

20's this morning, 60 this afternoon.

Way too dry.
First: Never stand in back of a cow!


Not actually possible at the moment. It may be in the future, but not at the moment.

Which is actually fine. I'm taking a personal day and enjoying watching the snow from inside my nice warm apartment.

Now if only Jim would get home...*frets*

El Seed

I hear you. I'd telecommute if it weren't for the long distance phone bills that would mean.

Oh, yeah. I still need an ISP at home too.  :oops:
First: Never stand in back of a cow!


Actually, the main reason it's not possible is because I don't have the software at home to do the work I do at work. Otherwise, with a little fussing with settings, I actually probably could do my work from home.

However, I know from hard experience that I do not work well from home. At all. If I had to, or if it meant moving somewhere for a better job for Jim, I would do it. But, all things considered, I'd rather go into an office.


I'm just kidding, Megan.  I didn't want Kell headed to training today.  If we weren't considered "critical services" I'd say we would have shut down - no customers visit in this kind of weather, and we make the men (and equipment) stay inside, so all in all it's a wasted day for us.

Although, I will take a wasted day over what they're dealing with south of us.