Relationship Scores

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Please make a post here showing your Relationship scores in regards to each of the NPCs. 
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Ameiko:  -1
Shalelu:  4
Sandru:  -1
Koya:    -1   


0 for everyone, I guess, since I don't have a Charisma mod. Seems pretty silly to base it on that only. Just because someone has average (i.e. 10) Charisma, they are apparently unable to have friends?

I guess Shalelu would be 4 due to my trait. So, she raised me, but I'm still an "associate." Okay, paizo.

Guess I'll add my +1 for level to Sandru. Can't get risk getting too close to any one person.

So, in summary:

Shalelu 4 (despite having raised me and let me travel with her for several years)
Sandru 1
Everyone else 0

On Shalelu: ShowHide
Shalelu felt betrayed when Faraway hid the fact that he'd discovered a roc egg from her. He knew she would disapprove, and figured if he could put the time into training the fledgling after it hatched, she'd have no choice. It all unraveled when Shalelu nearly put an arrow into Neith (the roc) before Faraway was able to shout and shove the ranger to the ground. She still won't talk to the druid when the bird is around, and even when it isn't, she utters barely a few words here and there. Shalelu won't even give Faraway a chance to prove himself, which is why he has been advising Sheriff Hemlock on his patrol routes.


Ameiko:  9
Shalelu: 3
Sandru:  3  (Rival)
Koya:    3   


Ameiko 4
Sandru 4
Koya 4
Shealeu 9


Ameiko Kaijtsu         4
Koya Mvashti           8
Sandru Vhiski          4
Shalelu Andosana       4


Quote0 for everyone, I guess, since I don't have a Charisma mod. Seems pretty silly to base it on that only. Just because someone has average (i.e. 10) Charisma, they are apparently unable to have friends?
Rather, if you have an average (i.e. 10) charisma, people aren't automatically friendly with you.  Instead, you have to put some effort into it.