Chapter 3 Day 1 - The Dry Season

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Bigsby grimaces in embarrassment, "Aye?  Nay, my frien'.  I'm not sure that's in my wee magic arsenal.  If ya follow.  Me magic is mos'ly for illusions and the like.  May help in a pinch combat wise than it be after.  I'll check the ol' spellbook up top," Bigsby taps his head, "But I don' expect to find much more than moths.  Don't suppose you've got any of that ale left from the pub, aye?"

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Not sure if my Heal Check can help Yiki any, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

Rolled 1d20+3 : 8 + 3, total 11


The half orc barbarian taps on a flask at his hip. With a grunt, he tosses it to the gnome.

Just make sure you leave some for the walking wounded.


Bigsby catches the flask, "Aye?  Yiki.  My good friend.  I meant the ale for you.  Good way to clean out the wound, and a small nip might do your suff'ring spirit some good, aye?  Nothing better for the spirit than spirits," Bigsby tosses the flask back with a wink.


Yiki deftly catches the return toss. He rips the plug out with his teeth and takes a great gulp. Due to the gnome's suggestion, he splashes a bit on his wounds.


Bigsby nods with approval, "I doubt the sting will much mind a mighty warr'or such as yerself."  Bigsby winks.


As the sky darkens, the group finds a small clearing just off the game path they were following that at least is not currently infested with snakes, alligators, panthers or spiders, and begin to prep for a night's rest.  A small fire is built, less for heat than for keeping away some of the bugs and smaller pests.  Rations are eaten, though Taggart is able to find some more berries to add some flavor to the meal, and some wild root vegetables that he tucks in his pack for later.

Bigsby works up some makeshift bandages on Yiki's wound and leaves the barbarian to his watch.  Yiki sits facing away from the fire so his eyes adjust to the dark.

If anyone wants to talk before sleeping, now's the time.  Otherwise, I'll move things ahead.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!


Yiki finds it easy to stay awake through his watch, as the ache and itch from his wounds are a constant bother.  Thankfully, nothing approaches the camp and after a few hours he nudges Bigsby awake.  A quick bandage check later, and the Gnome begins his watch.  He strums his lute quietly as he checks the perimeter.

Will have a new day starting soon.
Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you've got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception!