Kirdo woke early and refreshed, perhaps a bit livelier than his companions-he had taken less injury after all, and after quaffing his creation the minor injuries from the wolf had been completely restored. He immediately reached for his notes, but the edges of the problem he was working on still eluded him. No matter-he knew he was close to a breakthrough.
Still, the trouble in the night had left the gnome a little unnerved-real, actual danger hadn't really been in his mind for this venture. The snappishness among his fellows, as well, was something he didn't know how to address and was left to hope it would be forgotten. After rising and trying for insight with his alchemy, he tended carefully to Hauler, periodically chatting with his animal companion in Gnomish, praising the horse again for his steadfastness when the wolves struck. He took care to be ready to depart when the others were, so as not to hold the group back.
Still, the trouble in the night had left the gnome a little unnerved-real, actual danger hadn't really been in his mind for this venture. The snappishness among his fellows, as well, was something he didn't know how to address and was left to hope it would be forgotten. After rising and trying for insight with his alchemy, he tended carefully to Hauler, periodically chatting with his animal companion in Gnomish, praising the horse again for his steadfastness when the wolves struck. He took care to be ready to depart when the others were, so as not to hold the group back.