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Messages - T_Smith

Chat / Re: When it rains, it pours
March 14, 2012, 09:29:08 AM
Ditto on the yay.
Gaming / Re: Skyrim Creation Kit - What to make?
January 23, 2012, 10:29:14 PM
Yeah, the game's economy system is the #1 thing I'd love to play around with. The idea's I've had for playing around with it would be to increase the prices of housing followed by decreasing the selling value of all items significantly. For example a 1000 dollar ebony sword would be valued at 200 for selling value (the buying value for the most part would remain unchanged).

A few thoughts I've had problems making a determination on:  how much gold these travelers would have on them when trying to purchase items, and how to select what the person would try to buy. For example, if the traveler had 800 gold on them, and you were selling 20 items at 800 gold or less, what factors should the logic use in selecting which item they "wanted" to buy? Just random select, maybe?
Star Wars: The Smugglers of Naboo / Re: Epilogue
January 23, 2012, 10:09:40 PM
It says you last edited this in 1969. That's pretty impressive. :)
Gaming / Re: Skyrim Creation Kit - What to make?
January 23, 2012, 10:08:01 PM
I don't really have the time for it, but honestly, I'd like to see a mod that allows you to progressively work your way into owning a chain of stores that buys and sells merchandise. The general progression would be starting as a sales clerk working a 4 hour (game time) shift requiring you to essentially do a 'Pawn Stars' negotiation involving a Speech Craft check for any wandering adventurers who haven't taken an arrow to the knee looking to sell something (let's say there's a random variable of 1 - 3 rolled per game hour and that rolls of 3 results in a successful visit from an adventurer) or a random passerby that's looking to buy something.

After a certain number of hours, you then get to purchase the store from the owner, starting at one category of purchasable items like alchemy ingredients and that as certain levels progress, you can unlock a Weapons and Armor section, etc. etc.

After upgrading the store all the way, you can then hire someone to do that work for you. After that progresses, you can open a new store in a different hold and hire someone there until ultimately, you have a chain of adventurer pawn shops.

I don't know how much fun it would be, but it would be fun to earn a living do something other than adventuring or chopping wood.
Perhaps if I try to shoot Galak, I'll miss so badly that it would hit Frex?
Rorworr takes a moment in the heat of battle to change weapons to the repaired blaster found in the previous room, smacking himself for not changing before engaging enemies. Once changed, he will continue to fire on the same target.
Rorworr takes aim at the Ax-man to fire, but should Arani's shooting take him down, he'll change targets and fire upon the closest target instead.
Rorworr makes sure his weapon is drawn, and ready to fire. If and when the time comes, he will fire at target most likely to encounter Rann first.

Sorry guys, internet was out yesterday at home.
Rorworr takes a look at his wound on his shoulder/arm.

"Perhaps I should take the rear."
Nighthawk, I agree. It just seemed as if there was a general idea that Derrek would get it. Replacing my bowcaster is a good idea. Do I have the ability to still carry the bowcaster in like... a satchel or something?

Rorworr looks at Galak's inquiring eyes.

"No," he smiles, "this rifle is mine."
Rorworr looks at the blaster he can not repair, and grumbles.

"Well... perhaps at somepoint we could use this in a bluff. I wonder if our enemies could spot that it isn't actually usable. If not, it could come in handy to intimidate them, or think we have more firepower than we do."

He thinks back to the speeder.

"I should have hidden that speeder," he says to no one in particular. "Could have pawned it for some credits. Ah well, at least we don't have some crazy professor we need to protect any longer, and undoubtedly, he'd have figured it was us and who only knows where that could lead." He says this in his own language, which is much gruntier, and much shorter.
Rorworr will trim the hair above his eyes and study the room more closely. Is that one turn or two?
Rorworr looks around the room to see if he can find any weapons, working or broken. Should he find any broken weapons, he'll make an effort to repair them.

Sorry to repeat myself, but I don't know if I was given an answer, or if it was just because I couldn't spot anything due visual impairment, if I failed a roll, etc etc. :) Also, found out I can access this from work on my break! Yay! Wonder how long it'll last.
Rorworr glances about, trying to see what the professor sees.

"Um... yes?"
Rorworr backs off the cage with a murmer of approval, and head over to the weapons to see if he can identify them, and try to get them working.